About the Collection

Branch of science: economics

The Collection is included in the List of Scientific Special Editions, category “B”
(Order of the Presidium of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on July 02, 2020, № 886)

Media identifier К30-03349
(Decision of the National Council of Ukraine dated of April 25, 2024 No. 1418, Protocol No. 14).

Register of scientific professional publications of Ukraine

The Collection is included in the List of Scientific Special Editions in which the results of dissertations for scientific degrees of a
candidate and a doctor in economic sciences may be published (Decisions of the Presidium of Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine on
November 14, 2001, № 2-05/9, on March 10, 2010 № 1-05/2; Order of the Presidium of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on May 12, 2015, № 528;
Order of the Presidium of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on November 07, 2018, № 1218).

Is located in the national database “Ukrainika scientific” and submitted to the international scientific databases, information-analytical systems, electronic archives:

Ulrich's Periodicals Directory - subscription catalog of American publishing Bowker is the largest database that describes the global flow of periodicals in all subject areas. Confirmation Letter

ResearchBib (Academic Resource Index) - an international multi-disciplinary database of scholarly journals, including a description of the log more than 5,400 publishers.

Central and Eastern European Online Library,,, - is a leading provider of academic e-journals and e-books in the Humanities and Social Sciences from and about Central and Eastern Europe.

Index Copernicus (included in 2018) - international scientometric . This website includes indexing, ranking and abstracting journals, and is a platform for scientific collaboration and joint research projects

CrossRef (included in 2018) - is an association of scholarly publishers that develops shared infrastructure to support more effective scholarly communications. Our citation-linking network today covers over 68 million journal articles and other content items (books chapters, data, theses, technical reports) from thousands of scholarly and

Google Scholar - is a freely accessible web search engine that indexes the full text or metadata of scholarly literature across an array of publishing formats and disciplines. Google Scholar index includes most peer-reviewed online academic journals and books, conference papers, theses and dissertations, preprints, abstracts, technical reports, and other scholarly literature, including court opinions and patents.

Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine – is the largest library of Ukraine. Network information resource includes directory "Scientific periodika of Ukraine" and provides free access to on-line mode.

Electronic Archive Kirovograd National Technical University (eaKirNTU) (ISSN 2524-0765) − electronic archive for long-term storage, accumulation and ensuring a long and reliable open access to research results, which are held at the University.

The year of establishment: 2001
Issues: Illustration of the results of scientific research of the issues of economic theory and practice, labour economy, branches of industry, agriculture, transport; organization management; finances, crediting, currency; marketing; accounting, auditing, analysis of economical activity; international economic relations; economic cybernetics; application of mathematic mechanism and modern computing etc
Media ID: R30-03349
ISSN: 2663-1636 (Print) 2663-1644(e)
Periodicity: Twice per year
Languages: Ukrainian, English (mixed languages)
Founder: Central Ukrainian National Technical University
Editorial office: Email: zbirnyk_en@kntu.kr.ua
Web-site: http://economics.kntu.kr.ua
Central Ukrainian National Technical University,
8, Prospekt Universytetskyy, Kropyvnytskyi, 25030, Ukraine
+38 (0522) 55-10-49

Policy for covering the publication costs:
The authors reimburse the costs only for the printing of one copy of the journal.