Actual issues of recognition of non-current assets in construction

Marian Zadorozhnyi

About the Authors

Marian Zadorozhnyi, Applicant of the third (educational and scientific) level of higher education, West Ukrainian National University, Ternopil, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:


Non-current assets occupy the largest share among the company's assets. Taking into account the variability, complexity and systematic recognition of non-current assets, it is difficult to reflect them in the accounting and reporting of enterprises. Additional difficulties in the accounting display of transactions with non-current assets are introduced by the industry specifics of the enterprise. In particular, construction is a unique industry in the context of the use of non-current assets, which significantly affects the methodology and organization of accounting. The purpose of the article is to identify the criterion features of recognition of non-current assets from the standpoint of accounting theory and to justify their impact on accounting practice, taking into account the sectoral features of the construction industry of the Ukrainian economy. The article proposes a terminological positioning of the definition of «non-current assets» in the wording «these are assets that the enterprise keeps for the purpose of using them in its economic activity, the expected term of use of which is more than one year (or the operating cycle, if it is longer than one year). The procedure for recognizing non-current assets as accounting objects, which are characterized by: significant species variability, duration of use, wear and tear, the need for revaluation, the occurrence of capital investments, the peculiarity of primary documentation, the minimization of the number of inventories, impairment, the presence of liquidation value, the variability of evaluation and depreciation methods. Prospective directions for optimizing the accounting of non-current assets have been determined, taking into account the unique organizational and technological features of the construction industry, which is entrusted with the important task of restoring damaged and destroyed non-current objects and the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine.


accounting, non-current assets, recognition criteria, construction industry

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24. Zadorozhnyi Z.-M., Muravskyi V., Kostetskyi Y., Zadorozhnyi M. Improvement of accounting of non-current assets in the system of their effective management. Financial and Credit Activity Problems of Theory and Practice. 2022. № 5(46). Р.149–160. URL: (Дата звернення 08.03.2024).

Copyright (c) 2024 Marian Zadorozhnyi