Value Added Tax Audit as a Component of the Audit of the Tax Potential of Innovative Integrated Structures

Valentyn Vatulov

About the Authors

Valentyn Vatulov, Applicant of the third (educational and scientific) level of higher education, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:


The article is aimed at studying the areas of improvement of quality control in the course of value added tax audit as a component of the audit of tax potential of innovation-integrated structures and optimization of audit procedures in the context of risk assessment of taxpayers and their business operations. The main directions for improving the audit of value added tax are outlined, taking into account the challenges associated with digitalization, transformational processes in the economy and changes in legislation. Attention is focused on the need to introduce a systematic approach to audit, which ensures the creation of centralized steering groups, development of standardized audit plans, introduction of a risk-based approach and use of the latest digital technologies. The author proposes mechanisms for assessing the riskiness of taxpayers and their business operations based on the analysis of financial data, verification of VAT reports and documentation, and monitoring of business transactions. Particular attention is paid to the issues of internal quality control of audit procedures, including cross-checks, creation of specialized control groups, and implementation of feedback mechanisms and use of standardized templates of auditor's working documents. It is noted that the effectiveness of VAT audit largely depends on the level of professional training of auditors, and the author emphasizes the need for continuous training and updating of their knowledge. The author emphasizes the need to develop methodological recommendations for conducting VAT audits that take into account the specifics of different sectors of the economy, which will ensure that auditors comply with a single audit process, reducing the likelihood of missing critical aspects during the audit and at the reporting stage. The importance of using digital technologies during the audit is substantiated. The author considers the possibility of using the latest technologies to assess the compliance of the taxpayer's declared data with the requirements of the law and optimize the financial and economic activities of enterprises.


audit, value added tax, innovation-integrated structures, tax potential, quality control, audit procedures

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Copyright (c) 2024 Valentyn Vatulov