Modern Toolkit of Client-Oriented Management of an Industrial Enterprise as a Production Corporation

Roman Tsaturian, Bohdan Fediuk, Ruslana Zhovnovach

About the Authors

Roman Tsaturian, Applicant of the third (educational and scientific) level of higher education, SHEI “Pryazovskyi State Technical University”, Dnipro, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:

Bohdan Fediuk, Applicant of the third (educational and scientific) level of higher education, SHEI “Pryazovskyi State Technical University”, Dnipro, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:

Ruslana Zhovnovach, Professor, Doctor in Economics (Doctor of Economic Sciences), Head of the Department of Economic Theory, Marketing and Economic Cybernetics, of the Department of Economic Theory, Marketing and Economic Cybernetics, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:


The article is devoted to the study of the tools of customer-oriented management of the activities of industrial enterprises in the context of implementation of the concept of relationship marketing. The aim is to study and generalize the features of the use of models of customer-oriented management of the activities of industrial enterprises as a manufacturing corporation. In the course of the study, a clear allocation of features of the marketing activity of manufacturing corporations in the historical perspective has been carried out, a set of characteristics of marketing relations, its procedures, indicators of orientation towards achieving sales-oriented goals of production activity has been determined. The possibilities of implementing an integrated approach to the implementation of customer-oriented management of the activities within the framework of the implementation of the concept of supply chain management of production corporations are comprehensively studied, in which the emphasis of marketing activities shifts from the management of demand chains to the management of supply chains. Customer-oriented management of relationships with consumers of services in the process of research is defined as a set of marketing concepts, procedures and rules of communication with them on the basis of Big Data Analysis procedures. It is proposed to apply customer-oriented management to the entire population of consumers of products of industrial enterprises, its coverage of all concluded contacts, sales and service operations, which also provides for mandatory forecasting, analysis of models and behavior of customers. The characteristics of the tools for customer-oriented management of the activities of production corporations are provided and an analysis of the prospects for its application in the context of digitalization of commercial activities, the real introduction of approaches related to the introduction of Supply Chain Management in the form of a model for ensuring customer loyalty is carried out. The general requirements for the toolkit of customer-oriented management of the activities are formulated through the ability to ensure the long-term profitability of industrial enterprises due to a higher degree of adaptation to the increase in prices for services on the part of regular customers; increasing the total volume of purchases (including cross-purchases); reducing the cost of customer service by concentrating marketing activities on the most important of them; reduction of transaction costs due to the introduction of E-Business tools; integration of clients into the processes of joint design of parameters of the services they expect from manufacturing corporations, etc.


relationship marketing, corporate management, client-oriented management, customer orientation, satisfaction of customer requests, ensuring customer loyalty

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Copyright (c) 2024 Roman Tsaturian, Bohdan Fediuk, Ruslana Zhovnovach