Innovation Process at an Enterprise: Legal and Economic Etymology of Concepts and Characteristics of Stages

Pavlo Holubetskyi

About the Authors

Pavlo Holubetskyi, Applicant of the third (educational and scientific) level of higher education, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:


The article is aimed at studying the legal and economic etymology of the main concepts and categories of the innovation process carried out within the framework of an enterprise's innovation activity. The purpose of the article is to define the components of the innovation process and their content. The article analyses foreign and domestic legal documents that regulate and define the essence of innovation activity. In particular, a comparative analysis of the Oslo Guidelines, the Bogotá Guidelines and the Ukrainian legal framework is carried out. The author studies the definitions of domestic and foreign scholars regarding such concepts as "innovation", "novation" in the historical context and modern realities. It is proved that these terms are different in nature and a clear definition of their essence is the key to avoiding confusion when characterizing the stages of the innovation process. It is determined that "innovation activity" and "innovation process" are not synonymous. Innovative activity is a broader concept and within its framework innovative processes of different nature can be carried out. The author's own contribution is the construction of a logical scheme of the innovation process with the definition of its stages, internal and external factors that affect the progress of the task. In particular, the sequence of such stages is as follows: identification of bottlenecks in the functioning of an enterprise with a list of internal and external factors; the process of forming an idea to overcome them; innovation in the form of completed R&D; innovation, which is an experimental launch of know-how into a production or management process; innovation, where the use of novation is scaled up.


innovation activity, innovation process, innovation, novation

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