Strategic Management of Innovative and Investment DevelopmentofUkrainian Electric Power Enterprisesin the Conditions of Unstability

Iryna Petrova

About the Authors

Iryna Petrova, Professor, Doctor in Economics (Doctor of Economics sciences), Head of Marketing and Behavioral Economics, “KROK” University, Kyiv, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:


The quality of the translation is generally good, but there are a few areas where it could be improved for clarity and readability. Here's a revised version: An underdeveloped competitive environment, high monopolization of key economic activities, insufficient financial and organizational support for innovation creation and implementation, hinder enterprise innovation and reduce competitiveness in domestic and global markets. These factors also exacerbate the problem of economic security. Conversely, the economic insecurity of enterprises prevents them from making efforts in the field of innovation. This is evidenced by the analysis of statistical indicators of the development of electric power enterprises, which applies to all other sectors of Ukraine's national economy. For a significant period, the innovation and investment function of electricity sector enterprises has been inefficiently implemented, as reflected in Ukraine's low international rating in the energy productivity sub-index. This contradicts the objectives of achieving strategic priorities in innovative development, including the development of new energy transportation technologies, the adoption of energy-efficient and resource-saving technologies, and the promotion of alternative energy sources. The financial condition of Ukraine's electric power companies is critically deteriorating due to the significant damage caused to this sector of the country's economy by Russian aggression. In such circumstances, it becomes important to seek and attract investment resources to renovate fixed assets and ensure innovative development of electric power enterprises in accordance with the key provisions of the State Energy Strategy. The article highlights the tasks of strategic management of innovation and investment development of electric power enterprises of Ukraine in the short- and long-term periods. It examines the specifics of an investment project as important tool of strategic management and identifies its types based on their purpose: the creation of new power facilities to expand production capacity or introduce new energy sources, the modernization and improvement of existing power facilities through reconstruction, the expansion of existing power facilities by increasing scale and capacity, and the temporary conservation of facilities for future reactivation. The primary focus of strategic management of innovation and investment development lies in establishing an efficient and reliable electricity infrastructure that facilitates direct electricity sales from generating companies to consumers.


innovation and investment development, strategic management, strategic priorities, electric power companies, challenges and threats, investment project, electric power infrastructure

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