Digitalization of Management: Current Issues in the Theory and Practice

Tetyana Hrinka

About the Authors

Tetyana Hrinka, Аssociate Professor, PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economic Sciences), Associate Professor of the Department of Economics, Management and Commercial Activity,Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnitskiy, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:


The importance and role of digitalization of management in modern conditions are substantiated. It is emphasized that the processes of digitalization of management determine the specificity of digital transformation of management. It is summarized that large-scale technological changes also lead to changes in business conditions, complicate management tasks, and change the nature and boundaries of management processes. The current problems of digital transformation of management in Ukraine are identified: overestimation of the role of automation; possibility of loss or insufficient growth of profits; inability to implement digitalization in certain areas; technological unemployment; established disproportion between demand for highly qualified professionals and insufficient preparation by educational institutions; absence of necessary common standards, technical regulations, and relevant legislative norms regulating relationships between participants in the field of digital technologies; insufficient level of protection of digital technologies from unlawful encroachment. It is argued that the main problems of digitalization of management lie in the development of digital competencies of responsible individuals, which require solutions. Research of modern realities, problematic fields, and trends in the development of digitalization of management has made it possible to identify priority directions for solving the mentioned problems: formation of a new digital culture and new digital thinking; ensuring continuous development of professional digital competencies at all levels of management; providing legal regulation on issues of forming state policy in the field of developing digital skills and competencies; creating indicators for monitoring the state of development of digital skills and competencies (developing a methodology for conducting such studies, forecasting the needs of employers in certain digital skills of employees in key professional groups).


digitalization of management, digital economy, digital management, digital technologies, challenges, digital competencies, digital transformation of management

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Copyright (c) 2023 Tetyana Hrinka