New Management Strategies for Digital Business Transformation in Ukraine

Tetyana Hrinka, Tetiana Nemchenko

About the Authors

Tetyana Hrinka, Аssociate Professor, PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economic Sciences), Associate Professor of the Department of Economics, Management and Commercial Activity,Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnitskiy, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:

Tetiana Nemchenko, Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Economics, Management and Commercial Activity, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail: e-mail:


The significance and role of digital transformation of business and the need to reorient the relevant management systems to new strategic guidelines have been substantiated. The nature of reasonable digital changes that come with economic activities of business entities was outlined. A detailed critical analysis of the main strategic mistakes on the way to digital transformation of business in Ukraine is carried out: ignoring the duality of digitalisation, non-priority of investing in digital transformation of business, underestimation of customer experience, fragmentation and inattention to the requirements of modern time. It is emphasised that the management strategy in digital transformation takes into account the use of digital tools, data, analytics and other digital technologies to improve business processes, customer interaction, development of new products and services, optimisation of work processes and ensuring a competitive advantage in the market. The article provides information on the state of use of information and communication technologies at Ukrainian enterprises over the past five years. It is found that there are clear trends in the digitalisation of business, but the development of an effective development strategy in the context of the digital transformation of the economy remains a major challenge for any enterprise at both micro and macro levels. New management strategies that are relevant in the context of digital transformation of business processes are allocated: digital partnership strategy, business model transformation strategy, cyber-security strategy, data analysis strategy. The authors substantiate the importance of a manager's role, which is critical in the development and selection of new strategies for digital transformation. The study of the problem, current realities and trends in the choice of new management strategies in the digital economy has allowed formulating conceptual provisions for the implementation of successful digital business transformations in terms of strategic vision in the direction of focus and vision, analysis of needs and opportunities, innovative approach, flexibility and adaptability, and stakeholder involvement.


new management strategies, digital business transformation, strategic mistakes, digital technologies, information and communication technologies, digital partnership strategy, business model transformation strategy, cyber-security strategy, data analysis strategy, role of the manager, conceptual provisions

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Copyright (c) 2023 Tetyana Hrinka, Tetiana Nemchenko