Investment Component of the Tourist Destinations Development

Olena Sushchenko

About the Authors

Olena Sushchenko, Professor, Doctor of Economics (Doctor of Economic Sciences), Tourism Department Head, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, Kharkiv, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:


The article presents principled approaches to the development of tourist destinations, primarily due to the investment component. The need for the development of rural and green tourism destinations in order to solve the problem of disproportions in the socio-economic development of rural areas and diversification of the rural economy is justified. It is shown that the development of rural and green tourism destinations is closely interrelated with environmental issues, to which attention is focused not only at the state, but also at the global level. Popularization of the development of rural and green tourism in Ukraine will allow not only to solve the environmental problems of the regions, but also to become one of the directions of diversification of the rural economy, since tourism, according to the statistics of the World Council on Tourism and Excursions and the World Tourism Organization, is the largest dynamic industry in the world. The suspension of business activity of a large number of tourism business entities led to the loss of their competitive positions, and for some to further exit from the market. To restore their functioning, it is necessary to attract investment resources, as well as to develop appropriate support programs at both the regional and national levels. Investments in tourism activities will contribute to the further effective development, first of all, of the Ukraine regions. The specifics have been analyzed and the main directions of investment attraction in the field of tourism have been determined. Considering the rather low investment activity in the tourism sector, and especially capital investments in the development of the tourism sector in rural areas, it is advisable to intensify the cooperation of business entities with specialized funds, venture capital companies and other institutions, in particular with the Fund for the Development of Rural Areas. The possibilities of solving the problem of attracting financial resources for the financing of tourism projects have been determined. The main factors influencing the development of rural and green tourism are highlighted. A generalized action plan for the development of rural and green tourism is proposed. According to it, it is necessary to solve the tasks set in the direction of investment support for the development of rural and green tourism, increase the efficiency of management, organize partnerships with state authorities, develop quality standards for rural estates of Ukraine, improve the qualifications of subjects of tourist activity and create a marketing plan for the development of rural and green tourism.


tourist destination, investment, attractiveness, rural and green tourism, management

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