Key Elements of the Mechanism of State Financial Support of Agricultural Producers

Dmytro Shynkar

About the Authors

Dmytro Shynkar, Postgraduate student of the Department of Economics, Management and Commercial Activity, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, ORCID:,


The purpose of the article is to study the peculiarities of taking into account the levers of state financial support of agricultural producers in the elaboration and implementation of their development strategy, including while using the SWOT analysis method. It has been substantiated that state financial support is an important element of strategic development and strategic management of agricultural enterprises, which requires its individual consideration when building their development strategies. The individuality of the approach is determined, first of all, by whether the process of using state financial assistance is recognized as an independent direction of development, and accordingly as an independent type of strategy. It has been proven that an independent type of strategy is logical and expedient in the case of non-automatic state support, which involves making a decision on its use, but the independence of the strategy of state financial support using is limited by the fact that, in any case, it is an adaptation tool and a tool for implementing general competitive strategies of the enterprise. It has been grounded that there is a lack of clarity in the understanding of the place of state financial support in the system of factors of the external and internal environment, which does not allow rational use of its opportunities. It has been determined that it is necessary to take into account the synergistic effect on other key indicators of the enterprise’s development, because when limiting the internal and external environment only to factors directly related to state financial support, it will be impossible to build an effective strategy. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on all aspects of the internal environment of an agricultural enterprise to identify strengths and weaknesses, threats and opportunities. In this context, a wide range of prospects for further research, which are related to specific methodical approaches to building strategies for the use of various types of state financial support for agricultural enterprises, have been determined.


agricultural producers, state financial support, strategic management, strategic management, strategy, strategy for using state financial support, qualitative methods of strategic analysis, SWOT-analysis

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Copyright (c) 2022 Dmytro Shynkar