The Genesis of the Development and Formation of the Tax System of Ukraine

Оlena Magopets

About the Authors

Оlena Magopets, Associate Professor, PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economic Sciences), Head of the Department of Auditing, Accounting and Taxation, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyy, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail: magserg@ukr.ne0074


The article examines the patterns of development and formation of the tax system of Ukraine, highlighting certain time periods, and within them, the stages that are the most significant from the point of view of its formation and evolution. Based on the indicators of the tax burden, an assessment of the effectiveness of the implemented changes to the tax legislation and the reform of the tax system was carried out. On the basis of a thorough study and analysis of the provisions of legislative acts, starting from the moment of the declaration of independence of Ukraine and up to the present time, the trends in the development of the tax system of Ukraine have been determined and the main stages of its formation have been characterized. It is substantiated that a sign of the first stage of the formation of the tax system (covering the period 1991-2010) is the laying of the foundations for its creation, the formation of tax mechanisms for the payment of established taxes and fees, the expansion of the elements of the tax system and their periodic transformation. The second stage of the formation of the tax system (covering the period from 2011 to the present day) is characterized by the reform of the tax system and the renewal of tax mechanisms for the payment of individual taxes. It is proven that the reform of the tax system was mostly carried out in order to stabilize the financial situation in the country, to stimulate the processes of economic growth and increase the investment attractiveness of Ukraine in the international environment. At the same time, the current tax system of Ukraine did not fully ensure the balancing of the tax burden in accordance with the real capabilities of the economy. ased on the results of the analysis of the level of the tax burden throughout the entire period of development and evolution of the tax system of Ukraine, it was established that the most effective were the transformational processes that took place at the first stage of the formation of the tax system in the period of 1998-2004, and at the second stage - in the period of 2011 -2013. The reform of the tax system of Ukraine, which took place in other periods, did not bring the proper effect, since the tools for the implementation of tax reforms were not always adequate to the real socio-economic state of the country, and the implemented tax policy did not meet the goals and objectives of the economic strategy of the state.


tax system, tax legislation, tax, collection, tax reform, budget, tax revenues, tax burden

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Copyright (c) 2022 Оlena Magopets