Ensuring the Integrative Interaction of Small and Large Enterprises Based on the Coherence of Their Interests

Serhii Sushchenko

About the Authors

Serhii Sushchenko, PhD student, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, Kharkiv, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:


The article examines the possibilities and features of integrative interaction between small and large enterprises. Currently, the domestic and world economies are undergoing serious transformations related to global challenges. This requires the search for new solutions for the transformation of economic systems and the activation of innovative activities at the micro level. The purpose of the article is to study modern aspects and practices of integrative interaction of enterprises and to develop the principles of ensuring integrative interaction of small and large enterprises based on the coherence of their interests. The need to ensure integrative interaction of enterprises of different sizes based on the coherence of their interests is substantiated. It is shown that the most important factor in the effective organization of the integrative interaction of small and large enterprises, on which it should be based, is the presence of common economic interests and their appropriate coherence. The coherence of the economic interests of small and large enterprises is defined as a necessary and sufficient condition to ensure the integrability of their interac-tion. The main areas and forms of integration of small and large enterprises are given. The possibilities of taking into account mutual expectations and the possibility of certain contradictions of economic interests of small and large enterprises in the interaction process are shown. The creation and operation of integrative formations of small and large enterprises allow, as a result of the specific effects of such an association, to obtain corresponding synergistic effects of an integrative nature, among which the potential of interaction between small and large enterprises and the innovative syn-ergy of such interaction are highlighted. The definition and proposed structure of the interaction potential of small and large enterprises and the stages of its formation are provided. Specific integration factors are sin-gled out as necessary and sufficient conditions for the organization of integrative interaction and the creation of integrative formations of small and large enterprises.


integrative interaction, small and large enterprises, integrability, coherence, economic interest, potetial

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