Social Cooperatives of Dentists: Advantages for the Development of Small Dental Business

Hanna Sobchak

About the Authors

Hanna Sobchak, Applicant, Higher Educational Establishment of Ukoopspilka "Poltava University of Economics and Trade", Poltava, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:


The essence of social cooperatives is revealed, social and economic advantages of such cooperatives both for consumers of services, and for their participants are established. The experience of Italy in the functioning of social cooperatives of dentists is considered, based on the system of relations between the cooperative, the state, local governments and citizens. Based on the Italian experience, a model of such mutually beneficial relations is proposed, taking into account the Ukrainian realities. It is concluded that it is expedient to create social cooperatives in Ukraine and it is substantiated that their establishment will help increase the efficiency of the dental business, as well as the development of public - private partnership. The dental business, like any other business, strives for stable development of its activities, increasing its level of profitability and scale. Representatives of this business have significant experience in providing paid services to the population. However, they have a number of organizational and other problems, solving which will contribute to the harmonious development of this important area of health care, which means achieving maximum satisfaction of the needs of all market players - both consumers and producers (in our case - institutions providing dental services). This task is quite difficult, because if, for the consumer, low or at least moderate cost is important with high or sufficient quality of services, then for the "manufacturer" of dental services - the price is almost the only mechanism to maintain business profitability at that level. which gives him the opportunity for further functioning and development. However, the analysis of the experience of the Ukrainian and foreign markets of the private dental business shows that there are such ways to increase the profitability of the business as reducing costs, while ensuring proper quality. In this regard, one of the effective tools can be a dental cooperative.


social cooperatives, dental cooperatives, public - private partnership

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Copyright (c) 2021 Hanna Sobchak