World Agro-Food Markets and the Participation of Ukraine in Them

Tetyana Reshytko

About the Authors

Tetyana Reshytko, Associate Professor, PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economic Sciences), Associate Professor Department of International Economic Relations, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyy, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:


The article examines the development trends on the world markets of agro-food products. It is pointed out that the world food market is developing according to the trends of international economic relations, so it mainly reflects their characteristic patterns in a certain period of time. The intensification of globalization and international integration has led to changes in the economies of certain countries and the whole world, as well as it has changed the consumer preferences and tastes of people around the world, so the development of agro-food markets is extremely important. The countries that form the main demand for agro-food products and comprise the main driving force of world trade in world markets are named. Regularities between the economic development of the country and consumer preferences are revealed. Forecasts on the expected state of the world food market are given and the place of Ukraine in these processes is determined. It is investigated that in the future the presence of our state on world grain markets will be maintained. It is indicated on the segment of Ukraine in the world trade of agricultural goods. It is emphasized that Ukraine is currently only at the initial stage of entering the world agro-food markets, and domestic food exports are dominated by raw materials or products with low added value (grain, vegetable oil, sugar, etc.), and exports of final food products have not reached significant volumes. The supply of ready-made domestic food products to the world market should become one of the important landmarks of the country's foreign economic policy.


world agro-food markets, sales of key world food exports, key world exporters

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Copyright (c) 2021 Tetyana Reshytko