Analysis of Product Competitiveness in Choosing the Target Market

Liliia Koval, Serhiy Romanchuk, Vladislav Golub

About the Authors

Liliia Koval, Associate Professor, Phd in Economics (Candidate of Economic Science), Associate Professor of Economic Theory, Marketing and Economic Cybernetics’ Department, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, e-mail:

Serhiy Romanchuk, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Associate Professor of Economic Theory, Marketing and Economic Cybernetics’ Department, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, ORCID:, е-mail:

Vladislav Golub, Master of the Department of Economic Theory, Marketing and Economic Cybernetics, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:


The study of the analysis of product competitiveness in the selection of the target market is carried out. The following tasks are solved: the concept and essence of competitiveness are characterized, the actual methods of competitiveness analysis are described. It is proved that to determine competitiveness it is necessary to take into account a large number of marketing indicators (marketing parameters), or to choose the best for them. It is substantiated that in the future it is important to develop a classification of marketing parameters, methods of their evaluation, recommendations for the evaluation of each. The emergence of marketing criteria in the assessment of competitiveness will more accurately calculate the indicator of competitiveness, to identify the benefits of the product in the market. Parameters and factors of competitiveness, important for both the producer and the consumer, can often be uncertain, which prevents the improvement and change of the company's position in the market of its choice. At the same time, taking into account a large number of marketing parameters will allow you to more accurately calculate competitiveness. One of the promising tasks is to develop a definition of competitiveness for a reasonable assessment of the company's position in the market, taking into account more marketing indicators. In the future it is important to develop a classification of marketing parameters, methods of their evaluation, recommendations for the evaluation of each. The emergence of marketing criteria in the assessment of competitiveness will allow you to more accurately calculate the indicator of competitiveness, to identify the benefits of the product in the target market.


competitiveness, selection of the target market, analysis of product competitiveness, assessment of product competitiveness, marketing parameters

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Copyright (c) 2021 Liliia Koval, Serhiy Romanchuk, Vladislav Golub