Resource Support for the Effectiveness of Strategic Management of Innovation Infrastructure in the Formation of Competitive Advantages and Socio-economic Guarantees in the Context of Economic Globalization

Halyna Zapsha, Olga Orlova-Kurilova, Svetlana Limarenko, Anastasia Yatsun

About the Authors

Halyna Zapsha, Professor, Doctor in Economics (Doctor of Economic Sciences), Head of the Department of Management, Odessa State Agrarian University, Odessa, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:

Olga Orlova-Kurilova, Associate Professor, Doctor in Economics (Doctor of Economic Sciences), Head of the Management, Law, Statistics and Economical Analysis Department, Luhansk National Agrarian University, Ukraine, Starobilsk, ORCID:, e-mail:

Svetlana Limarenko, Senior Lecturer of the Management, Law, Statistics and Economical Analysis Department, Luhansk National Agrarian University, Ukraine, Starobilsk, e-mail:

Anastasia Yatsun, Postgraduate Student of the Department of Global Economics, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Кyiv, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:


The aim of the article is to study the resource provision of the effectiveness of strategic management of innovation infrastructure in the formation of competitive advantages and socio-economic guarantees in the context of economic globalization. In the conditions of transformation of the national economy, there is a need to form such objects of innovation infrastructure that will stimulate the implementation of the innovation process at any stage of production. Such facilities must support the most promising business idea, innovative projects or ideas, in order to turn them into a product or service. The main purpose of economical use of innovation potential is to create and maintain the existing innovation infrastructure, able to position itself as a communicative channel for the transfer and exchange of knowledge, resources, ideas and technologies between stakeholders of innovative entrepreneurship. Proposals for further development of innovation infrastructure as a determining driver of positive changes in the institutional environment and a source of formation of positive synergy of innovative development of entrepreneurship have been developed. The stages of formation of such infrastructure according to the life cycle of the innovation project are marked, in the course of which due to achievement of complementarity of infrastructural elements impulses for the further stimulation of the economy based on diffusion of innovations are formed. This allows the state, as the initiator of regulation, to determine the directions of renewal of innovation infrastructure taking into account modern conditions. The necessity of reserve accumulation of resource potential of innovative entrepreneurship is noted and the directions of its use according to the stages of realization of the innovative project are determined. These actions are important for increasing innovative development at the macro level and forming a further strategy for innovative development of business stakeholders. The conclusion is made about the need for rational and economic use of resources. This need is due to the rapid involvement of resources in periods of transformation of the national economy, as well as the emergence of crisis trends in the domestic business environment.


resource provision, efficiency, strategic management, innovation infrastructure, competitive advantages, socio-economic guarantees, globalization

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  10. Zos-Kior M., Hnatenko I., Isai O., Shtuler I., Samborskyi O., Rubezhanska V. Management of Efficiency of the Energy and Resource Saving Innovative Projects at the Processing Enterprises. Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development. 2020. Vol.42. No.4. P. 504-515.
Copyright (c) 2021 Halyna Zapsha, Olga Orlova-Kurilova, Svetlana Limarenko, Anastasia Yatsun