Valuation of Land Assets of Ukraine by Banks of the Russian Empire in the Early 20th Century

Volodymyr Shvets

About the Authors

Volodymyr Shvets, Associate Professor, PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economic Sciences), Professor of Accounting and Auditing, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:


The start of the land market in Ukraine began on July 1, 2021, which opened new opportunities for the development of the national economy. At the same time, the issue of assessment of formation of land assets remained insufficiently provided with appropriate mechanisms for the transparency of this market and the establishment of fair land prices. An important component of the formation of a fair valuation of land assets are the previous databases on their sales prices for previous time periods. We do not have such data due to the lack of a land market in Ukraine during the administrative-command system of economic management, being part of the USSR. Therefore, the only systematized databases for the assessment of land assets are studies conducted by the Ministry of the Russian Empire in the early 20th century. This article aims to study the level and dynamics of land asset prices using the historical experience of valuation of Ukrainian land assets by banks of the Russian Empire in the early twentieth century. The article separates and groups data on the valuation of land assets in the Ukrainian provinces, which were part of the Russian Empire. A retrospective analysis of the valuation of land assets in terms of individual regions of Ukraine that were part of the Russian Empire was performed on the basis of selected data. The necessity and importance of today's use of historical experience of valuations of land asset in Ukraine are substantiated in connection with the introduction of the land market. Using the index of change in the value of gold, comparative prices transfer of land assets from the early twentieth century at today's comparable prices. The obtained level of prices for land assets has the prospect of being used as a base during the organization of land auctions to form a fair price for land in Ukraine.


valuation, land assets, banks, Ukraine, the Russian Empire

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Copyright (c) 2021 Volodymyr Shvets