Stimulating the Development of "Greening" of Ukrainian Industry

Ella Sheludko, Mariia Zavgorodnia

About the Authors

Ella Sheludko, Senior Research, PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economic Sciences), Senior Research officer of department of industrial policy, Institute for Economics and Forecasting, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:

Mariia Zavgorodnia, PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economic Sciences), Research of the Industrial Policy Department, Institute for Economics and Forecasting, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:


The object of this study is the further development of eco-innovations for the rise of industry and the economy. Emphasis is placed on the growing relevance of "green" incentives in line with climate challenges, the economical use of natural resources, as well as the need for a systematic vision of environmental issues and the implementation of international requirements. The study is based on the work of foreign scientists, international rankings and world best practices for the introduction of modern economic mechanisms of state incentives for greening the economy, green modernization, the transition to a circular model of the economy. There is a difference in the implementation of environmental policy - some local projects in Ukraine and the European approach - with the assessment of eco-innovation, systemic change, the formation of ecosystems, scaling technological solutions. The main methods used in the study are: methods of system-structural analysis, analysis and synthesis, grouping - for preliminary analysis and selection of appropriate tools in the study of the implementation of eco-innovation in Ukraine and EU countries; index valuation method and method of comparative analysis - used in the analysis of public policy to stimulate the company to "green" growth; abstract-logical method - used to establish the relationship between the need to introduce new instruments of public policy in the environmental sphere with elements of large-scale reform in the context of climate modernization of industry and to form a systematic vision of major achievements in implementing international requirements for eco-modernization of industrial enterprises. The paper analyzes the forms of international assistance that can compensate for the lack of available financial resources for the purposes of green modernization of the economy in conditions of limited financial capabilities of the state, intensification of competition for European and international environmental investments. The obtained result - a set of possible tools to stimulate Ukrainian industry - allows more systematic implementation of "greening" of Ukrainian industry, and their implementation and combination in a specific mechanism will determine the success of an industrial socially-oriented economy.


eco-innovations, industry, "green" growth, tools for "greening"

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Пристатейна бібліографія

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  5. 100 Start-ups Join World Economic Forum’s Technology Pioneers Community in 2021 Cohort. URL.: (Дата звернення: 28.04.2021)
  6. Ar, I.M. The impact of green product innovation on firm performance and competitive capability: The moderating role of managerial environmental concern. Procedia Soc. Behav. Sci. 2012, 62, 854–864.
  7. Chiou, T.Y.; Chan, H.K.; Lettice, F.; Chung, S.H. The influence of greening the suppliers and green innovation on environmental performance and competitive advantage in Taiwan. Transp. Res. E 2011, 47, 822–836.
  8. EU Eco-Innovation Index: 2019 version Technical note May 2020 Hannah Bernard, Carolina Spaini, Paresa Markianidou, Asel Doranova Technopolis Group. URL: (Дата звернення: 25.04.2021)
  9. Khvesyk, M., Bystryakov, I., Obykhod, H., Khvesyk, Yu. Assessment of the safety of environment in terms of sustainable development. Economic Annals-XXI. 2018. Vol. 170. Issue 3-4. P. 22–26. (Дата звернення: 20.04.2021)
  10. Ma, Y.; Hou, G.; Xin, B. Green process innovation and innovation benefit: The mediating effect of firm image. Sustainability 2017, 9, 1778.
  11. Skordoulis, M.; Ntanos, S.; Arabatzis, G. Socioeconomic evaluation of green energy investments: Analyzing citizens’ willingness to invest in photovoltaics in Greece. Int. J. Energy Sect. Manag. 2020, 14, 871–890.
  12. SME Policy Index: Eastern Partner Countries 2020. URL: (Дата звернення: 28.03.2021)
  13. The Global Cleantech Innovation Index 2020 Global Cleantech 100. From Chaos to Transformation: The Companies and Themes Delivering Sustainable Innovation Cleantech Group. 2021 р.61
Copyright (c) 2021 Ella Sheludko, Mariia Zavgorodnia