Event Management in Tourism Industry

Liudmyla Maliuta, Roman Sherstiuk, Halyna Ostrovska

About the Authors

Liudmyla Maliuta, Professor, Doctor in Economics (Doctor of Economic Sciences), Professor of the Department of Management of Innovation Activity and Services Industry, Ternopil Ivan Pul'uj National Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:

Roman Sherstiuk, Doctor in Economics (Doctor of Economic Sciences), Head the Department of Management of Innovation Activity and Services Industry, Ternopil Ivan Pul'uj National Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:

Halyna Ostrovska, Associate Professor, Ph.D in Economics (Candidate of Economic Sciences), Associate Professor of the Department of Management of Innovation Activity and Services Industry, Ternopil Ivan Pul'uj National Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:


In a knowledge-based economy, the most important issues of modernity areas development – event management become especially relevant. Current trends in the development of such socio-economic activity areas as event management is directly represented in the practice of event tourism, within which the creation, planning, conduction and event management. In order to manage a modern system of event tourism, event management is called to summarize the existing experience, give practical recommendations taking into account the specifics of various events, as well as improving this system of relations. Event management becomes an innovative tool for achieving the goals of the organization at its all operation stages. It is also worthily to note the importance of using event management technologies in the formation of a positive organization image, corporate culture and increase its competitiveness in the market. The article highlights the scientific approaches to the interpretation of the category "event management" according to certain criteria and characteristics. The author's definition of the categories essences "tourism industry" and "event management" is given. It is proved that event tourism is a fast-growing industry, which in recent years occupies a dominant position in the general classification of tourism. The potential of event management in the tourism industry is revealed. The system of organization and event-management carrying out in the world practice is investigated and recommendations concerning its application in Ukrainian realities are substantiated. The state of event management in Ukraine is analyzed and perspective directions of its development within the tourist business are outlined. The practical significance of the obtained results is manifested in their usefulness for optimizing the event managers’ work in the process of creating, planning, organizing and conducting events, as well as for improving and increasing the efficiency of existing technologies in the event organization field. In addition, they contribute to the clarification of "event management" concept in Ukrainian scientific community. Prospects for further research are to develop the basic processes of event management, which form its essence.


event management, event technologies, tourism industry, development, event tourism, tourist product

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Copyright (c) 2021 Liudmyla Maliuta, Roman Sherstiuk, Halyna Ostrovska