Theoretical Aspects of Definition and Classification of Products Generated in System of Higher Education

Seyf-Eddine Bouaita

About the Authors

Seyf-Eddine Bouaita, Postgraduate of the Department of Economics, Management and Commerce, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:


The purpose of the article is to determine the products of higher education institutions and describe their main types.The following methods are implemented: analysis, synthesis and generalization for defining the key concepts; systematic approach for determining the types of products generated by higher educational institutions in current economic conditions; the abstract-logical method for drawing conclusions. The article is devoted to the analysis of contemporary scientific approaches towards definition of products generated by higher educational institutions.The main products generated by a higher education institution, taking into account the specific nature of its activities, are educational products and scientific outcomes. The educational product of a higher education institution is the result of its educational activity, intended for sale or exchange and represented in the form of tangible educational goods or intangible educational services and competencies. The research outcomes of an institution of higher education are the result of its scientific innovation and include intellectual property rights, scientific results, research and development on demand of consumers, as well as means of dissemination of academic knowledge. The clarification of the essence and definition of the types of products of a higher educational institution can help to ensure a systematic approach to the development of measures to optimize the management of the economic activities of higher educational institutions and to increase their competitiveness as market economy entities. The prospects for further academic research are linked to the clarification of the nature of the mutual influence of the educational and scientific-innovative products of Ukrainian higher education institutions.


higher educational institution, product, educational product, research outcomes, educational service, educational goods"

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Copyright (c) 2021 Seyf-Eddine Bouaita