Factors of Influence on the Financial Performance of Agricultural Enterprises

Mariia Petrova

About the Authors

Mariia Petrova , Postgraduate of the Department of Economic Theory, Marketing and Economic Cybernetics, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:


The article is devoted to the analysis of factors of influence on the increase in financial performance of agricultural enterprises. The approaches of scientists to determine the essence of the concept of profit are analyzed, their own definition of the concept is formed. The system of proof that the company's task is to make a profit, which is the main stimulus of economic activity is provided. Profit ensures the economic stability of the company, guarantees its financial independence. In order to improve financial results, the company is interested in looking for untapped opportunities and reserves, more efficient ways of using resources, producing products for which there is demand, applying organizational and technical innovations that ensure the efficiency of production, etc. Therefore, the study of factors that affect the level of profitability of the company is a very topical topic that requires further research. It has been established that profit is the main financial result and an incentive for the economic activity of enterprises, the main source of its functioning and development. In today's environment, improving financial results is a complex problem. For their continued growth, the company is interested in updating methods of mobilizing hidden opportunities and reserves, preserving existing and attracting additional resources, upgrading production facilities, focusing on the production of goods of constant and high demand, introducing organizational and technical innovations, and constantly improving the efficiency of production. The need for continuous creative analysis of factors that affect the size of the profit is emphasized. Ways to ensure the growth of financial results of agricultural enterprises by reducing the cost of production, adjusting the prices of products, increasing the technological level of production, changing the structure and volume of products, increasing soil fertility, the level of productivity, the most rational use of labor, material and financial potential are explored. All this, combined with the effect, is able to provide the company with a high level of profitability of operation, increase its level of competitiveness, increase the demand for products, develop export potential, attract new investors, update the fixed capital, improve the fertility of the soil, eventually improve the environment.


financial results, profits, factors, analysis, efficiency, agriculture, enterprise

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Copyright (c) 2020 Mariia Petrova