Methodological Approach to the Effective Development of Resource Conservation at the Industry Level

Nadiia Shmygol, Ruslan Zavgorodniy

About the Authors

Nadiia Shmygol, Professor, Doctor in Economics (Doctor of Economic Sciences), Head of the Department of Accounting and Taxation, Zaporizhzhya National University, Zaporizhzhia,Ukraine, E-mail:

Ruslan Zavgorodniy, Postgraduate, Classic Private University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine, E-mail:


The article shows that the intensive development of the economy involves a more efficient use of available resources; the problem of resource conservation is always extremely important and relevant in those areas of the economy where they are produced and processed. The analysis of the results of economic activity of the oil and gas sector revealed certain disparities in the economic development of the enterprises of the extractive and processing industry, which are part of it. The question of possible redistribution of value added from production enterprises to processing through appropriate pricing policy is investigated. As the economy of Ukraine is open, the price of energy resources in the domestic market from domestic producers must remain competitive. However, the distribution of trade margins between oil and gas extraction and processing enterprises is uneven: oil and gas production is characterized by a high share of value added and surpluses; oil refining, in turn, a high share of intermediate consumption and economic activity at break-even level. These changes will directly affect the material consumption of products and will allow the redistribution of profits in favor of processing plants. The structure of value added in favor of wage costs has been revised to ensure that it is consistent with the industry average. The proposed changes will have an impact on product revenue and revenue. This, in turn, will affect the efficiency of using labor, fixed assets and total capital as elements of resource efficiency. A methodological approach to the effective development of resource conservation in the oil and gas sector of Ukraine was examined based on the synthesis of economic and statistical methods and models, in contrast to existing ones, taking into account the mutual influence of target indicators on the economy as a whole.


resource saving, resource efficiency, oil and gas sector, effective development, resource efficiency, methodological approach, industry level

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Copyright (c) 2019 Nadiia Shmygol, Ruslan Zavgorodniy