Cooperatives in the Sector of Recreation Services: the US Experience

Andriy Panteleimonenko, Vladyslav Honcharenko

About the Authors

Andriy Panteleimonenko, Professor, Doctor in Economics (Doctor of Economic Sciences), Professor of the Department of Economics of Internationa Economic Relations, Poltava State Agrarian Academy, Poltava, Ukraine, E-mail:

Vladyslav Honcharenko, Professor, Doctor in Economics (Doctor of Economic Sciences), Professor of the Department of International Relations named after Artur Golikov, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine, E-mail:


Development of recreational infrastructure in many countries, including the United States, takes place at the level of local communities. However, there is a lack of Ukrainian cooperative researchers’ works on generalizing this experience. Although, there are several published works which overview some aspects of recreational cooperatives’ organization and operation. These are the articles by M.P. Gritsenko (2012), A.V. Yavorskaya (2014), and Y.V. Ushkarenko (2017). This fact provided motivation for writing some special article. The purpose of this article is to analyze the generalization of the experience of US recreational cooperatives to formulate proposals for setting up these cooperatives in Ukraine. The basis of the methodological tools of this study are the methods of analysis and synthesis, applied to the most effective implementation of the goal. According to the results of our research, we have defined the nature of organization and activity of individual recreational cooperatives, in particular, Charlotte Area Recreation Cooperative, Parks and Recreation Cooperative and Special recreation associations. It is found out that such cooperatives bring together several territorial communities for effective functioning, which, as a result, provides wide recreational opportunities for their population. The advantages of these cooperatives for local communities (wide range of services, significant social orientation, broad opportunities for expanding the range of recreational services) were identified with the help of SWOT analysis, as well as some of their disadvantages. These disadvantages include, first of all, dependence on municipal and state funding. It is substantiated that the generalized experience of US recreational cooperatives is of great importance for international practice, including for creative use in Ukraine. It can be taken into account in the preparation of regional and city programs of supporting local communities in terms of recreational services, including servicing the people with disabilities.


recreation, cooperative, recreational cooperative, special recreational cooperative, local communities

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GOST Style Citations

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  6. Charlotte Area Recreation Cooperative committed to providing softball fields Електронний ресурс. URL:
  7. Community 5 Year Recreation Plan for The City of Charlotte, Eaton and Carmel Township. Charlotte: Charlotte Area Recreation Cooperative, 2011. 28 р. URL: serviceadministration/parks/community-5-year-recreation-plan/
  8. Definition of a Special Recreation Association (SRA) URL:
  9. Honcharenko V., Panteleimonenko A., Pozhar A., Stetsenko V. Cooperatives in IT sector: theoretical and practical aspects. Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences. Vol. 7. No. 2. August 2019. P. 597-607. URL:
  10. Parks and Recreation Cooperative, (PARC) URL: departments/parks_and_recreation_cooperative/index.php
  11. Special Recreation Cooperatives in Illinois URL:
Copyright (c) 2019 Andriy Panteleimonenko, Vladyslav Honcharenko