Conceptual Provisions on Parameterization of Information Transparency in the Tasks of Evaluating and Optimizing the Website of a Higher Education Institution

Yuliia Honcharenko

About the Authors

Yuliia Honcharenko, Professor, Doctor in Economics (Doctor of Economic Sciences), Professor of the Department of International Relations named after Artur Golikov, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine, E-mail:


The article substantiates the need to increase the level of information transparency of higher education institutions' websites as a mechanism for ensuring the competitiveness of an educational institution in the educational services market. It is through the site that educational institutions demonstrate a competitive advantage to their consumers, serve as a source of information when choosing a higher education institution and a future specialty for entrants. The parameters and criteria by which the level of information transparency is diagnosed have been studied in the works of many domestic and foreign scientists. However, the question remains - which set of parameters most fully and adequately reflects the information transparency of the website. The purpose of the article is to study the factors, criteria for measuring transparency, to determine the main parameters for assessing the transparency of the website of a higher education institution. The best known rating systems for evaluating higher education institutions, including the factors and criteria for measuring transparency in each rating, are highlighted and analyzed in the paper. There are differences between the concepts of visibility and transparency, the complex relationship between them. It was noted that criteria of information transparency should be related to corporate culture, social responsibility, degree of trust in the source of information, degree of responsibility of the economic entity, level of development of information technologies, level of information and communication security. We propose our own set of criteria that reflect the activities of higher education institutions in terms of information transparency of their sites. Website transparency performance metrics. The optimal level of each of the parameters should satisfy all information needs of stakeholders, able to guarantee a positive economic effect and no negative consequences for the institution.


information transparency, higher education institution website, visibility, transparency criteria, educational ratings, transparency efficiency

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Copyright (c) 2019 Yuliia Honcharenko