Application of the Cloud Technologies in Accounting and Management of Enterprises of the Real Sector of Economy

Olena Volot

About the Authors

Olena Volot, Associate Professor, PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economic Sciences), Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting, Taxation and Auditing, Chernihiv National University of Technology, Chernihiv, Ukraine, E-mail:


The purpose of the article is the research and application of cloud technologies in the accounting and management of enterprises in the real sector of the economy and defining the main advantages and disadvantages of using cloud technologies for consumers and organizations. The scientific and practical literature does not sufficiently cover the issues of determining the current state, tendencies of development and use of cloud technologies in accounting and enterprise management, experience of implementation of "clouds" in leading countries of the world, implementation and use of cloud computing as components of new ICTs for enterprise management of the real sector of economy countries. Issues about experience of the current state and trends of development and use of cloud technologies in accounting and management of enterprises, about the experience of implementing "clouds" in the leading countries of the world, about the experience in using cloud computing as components of new ICTs for accounting and management of enterprises in the real sector of the country's economy are highlighted. Models of cloud-based technologies targeting the end-user are presented, as well as examples of application of cloud technologies in accounting automation and enterprise management and cloud platforms of modern corporations are presented. The main advantages and disadvantages of using cloud technologies for consumers and organizations, risks of using cloud services are determined, and it is proved that modern cloud technologies are a progressive and promising solution, one of the elements of the revolutionary "third IT platform". The use of cloud technologies will make it much more efficient to use the technical and economic potential of the state, enterprises and individuals, what significantly reducing the cost of implementing the IT services system. Thus, modern cloud technologies are a progressive and promising solution, one of the elements of the revolutionary "third IT platform." Their rapid spread nowadays is one of those key trends that in the next 5-8 years will have a significant impact on global development.


accounting, management, information and communication technologies (ICTs), information technologies (IT), cloud technologies

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Copyright (c) 2019 Olena Volot