The Impact of Reputation on the Restaurant`s Safety and Security

Olena Sushchenko, Olena Akhmedova, Ivan Yermakov

About the Authors

Olena Sushchenko, Professor, Doctor of Economics (Doctor of Economic Sciences), Tourism Department Head, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, Kharkiv, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:

Olena Akhmedova,, Associate Professor of the Tourism Department, PhD in Public Administration (Candidate of Sciences in Public Administration), Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, Kharkiv, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:

Ivan Yermakov, Postgraduate Student of the Tourism Department, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, Kharkiv, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:


Within the context of everyday life, there is a huge demand for reducing any risks associated with life, leisure and work. That is why people are increasingly trusting only those businesses that try to minimize risks and ensure safety by all possible means, thus creating a positive reputation in their field of operation. Therefore, the content of the category “reputation” of the restaurant enterprises as the basis of its image formation and its influence on the restaurant`s safety and security in conditions of uncertainty have been disclosed in the paper. The largest restaurant chains in the country have been analyzed, their reputation rating, and the impact of reputation on the perception of safety has been identified. It has been proved that the reputation of a restaurant and its recognition in general have a positive impact on the company`s value indicators, affect its scaling capabilities, and, consequently, the company`s reputation should be managed to enhance its competitiveness. It is determined that business reputation, brand awareness and a relatively low level of complexity of launching a business are the main factors of the restaurant`s safe and secure operation and its possible further scaling. To achieve the above stated purpose, the following has been recommended: to check regularly the overall customer satisfaction with each establishment of the restaurant chain as a whole, to constantly adjust the network`s compliance with social trends and target customers’ preferences; to constantly improve the professional level of staff, who plays a crucial role in the service sector; to encourage enterprises to maintain their reputational image, which is a recognized intangible multifactorial asset, at a high level by investing capital and time in order to increase the loyalty of consumers, employees, suppliers and partners.


reputation, safety, security, brand, threats, restaurant, risks, hospitality industry

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Copyright (c) 2023 Olena Sushchenko, Olena Akhmedova, Ivan Yermakov