Economic Analysis and Evaluation of Corporate Enterprises in Ukraine

Minglei Chen

About the Authors

Minglei Chen, postgraduate, assistant trainee of the Department of Management and Administration, Private Higher Education Institution «Rauf Ablyazov East European University», Cherkasy, Ukraine, ORCID: 0009-0004-4799-1371, e-mail:


The article is devoted to the study of a complex economic analysis of the financial state and providing an assessment of the activity according to the main indicators of the functioning of corporate enterprises in Ukraine. It was determined that corporate legal entities play an important role in the national economy and have a significant impact on the development and prosperity of society. During the study, attention was focused on the enterprises of PrJSC "MetLife", LLC "Agrotechnika", LLC "ATB-Market", which are the main source of job creation, providing the opportunity to employ a large number of people, helping to reduce unemployment and raise the standard of living. Studies show that these enterprises generate large amounts of capital and invest it in various sectors of the economy, attracting capital to other enterprises and contributing to sustainable economic development. It stands to reason that companies often possess vast resources and technologies that help create innovative products and services capable of changing the market landscape. Thanks to economies of scale and efficient management, enterprises can optimize the use of resources, thereby reducing costs and increasing competitiveness. As a result of the conducted economic analysis of the financial activities of the investigated corporate enterprises, the effectiveness of their activities and the ability to maintain and improve financial indicators and opportunities for business expansion were confirmed. It has been proven that analytical methods help to assess the efficiency and sustainability of corporate enterprises in the conditions of the Ukrainian market environment, as well as to identify areas for further development and risk management. Economic analysis and evaluation of the activities of corporate enterprises in Ukraine are important tools for understanding their financial condition, competitiveness and potential.


corporate integration, corporate management, integration processes, corporate enterprises, joint stock companies, corporate integration processes

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Copyright (c) 2023 Minglei Chen