Prospects for the development of cooperation between Ukraine and the EU’s in the field of labor migration
About the Authors
Ilona Androshchuk, Associate Professor, PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economic Sciences), Associate Professor of the Department of Economics, Management and Commercial Activity, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:
Anna Dorenskа, Assistant of the Department of Economics, Management and Commercial Activity, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:
The paper is devoted to the prospects for the development of Ukraine's cooperation with the EU’s countries in the field of labor migration regulation. It is established that in current time the international labor migration is one of the most characteristic manifestations of the globalization of the world economy due to the fact that now the number of recipient countries is about 67 units in comparison with 39 units a few decades ago, while the number of donor countries has increased from 29 to 55 units. It was determined that the main reasons for such changes are: global political crises and changes in the world coordinate system.
The hypothesis was proposed and confirmed that, given the objective factors, including the political and the presence of the armed conflict in the country, emigration will only increase in the near future due to the state of the economy and the desire to receive material income. The cause-and-effect relationships between migration and the socio-economic state of the economy are considered by analyzing its main indicators, among them such as: population size, birth rate, education level and retention rate. The hypothesis was put forward and proved that the amount of the earned salary is one of the reasons for voluntary dismissal or reluctance to extend the employment contract. The geographical mapping of labor migrants from Ukraine in the countries of the world was studied.
Key macroeconomic variables such as GDP growth, (un)employment, remittance flows, international development aid and foreign direct investment are identified, which are crucial to understanding the effects of migration as they provide an overview of the economic situation of any country. The forecast values of GDP growth and GDP per capita of Ukraine was analysed in the context of putting forward a hypothesis regarding for the further migration tendencies. The necessity of regulating the negative consequences for the Ukrainian economy in order to counteract its decline in the future due to the decreasing in the number of economically active population in the future, which are the main producers of the country's GDP, has been established.
labor migration, EU, population size, crisis, remittances, socio-economic level of the economy
Full Text:
1. Haidutskyi, A.P. (2017). Masshtaby trudovoi mihratsii ukraintsiv za kordon [Scales of labor migration of Ukrainians abroad]. Ekonomika ta derzhava - Economy and the state. Vol. 8, 82–86 [in Ukrainian].
2. Haidutskyi, A.P. (2018). Svitovyi rynok mihratsiinoho kapitalu [The world market of migration capital]. Visnyk NBU - Visnyk of the National Bank of Ukraine. Vol. 1, 34–37 [in Ukrainian].
3. Libanova, E., & Ftomova, O. (2019). Osobysti perekazy mihrantiv: otsinka masshtabiv i naslidkiv [Migrants' personal remittances: an assessment of the scope and consequences]. Demohrafiia ta sotsialna ekonomika - Demography and social economy, 37(3), 1129. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
4. Maidanik, I.P. (2018). Suchasni rysy vysokokvalifikovanoi mihratsii v Ukraini ta sviti: osnovni tendentsii ta struktura [Modern features of highly skilled migration in Ukraine and the world: main trends and structure]. Ukraina: aspekty pratsi - Ukraine - aspects of work. Vol. 2, 43–49 [in Ukrainian].
5. Maidanik, I.P. (2020). Temporalni kharakterystyky zovnishnoi trudovoi mihratsii v Ukraini [Temporal characteristics of external labor migration in Ukraine]. Kyiv: Instytut demohrafii ta sotsialnykh doslidzhen im. M.V. Ptukhy NAN Ukrainy [in Ukrainian].
6. Mizhnarodna orhanizatsiia z mihratsii [International Organization for Migration]. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
7. Atamanov, A., Luecke, M., Mahmoud, T.O., Mogilevsky, R., Tereshchenko, K., Tourdyeva, N. A., et al. (2009). Income and distribution effects of migration and remittances: Analysis based on CGE models for selected CIS countries. CASE network report, No 86. Warsaw [in English].
8. Brubaker, R. (2010). Migration, Membership, and the Modern Nation-State: Internal and External Dimensions of the Politics of Belonging. The Journal of Interdisciplinary History, Vol. 41, No. 1 (Summer), 61-78. The MIT Press. Retrieved from [in English].
9. Chmielewska, I., Dobroczek, G., & Puzynkiewicz, J. (2016). A new wave of Ukrainian migration to Poland. Retrieved from [in English].
10. Libanova, E. (2019). Labour migration from Ukraine: Key features, drivers and impact. Economics and Sociology, Vol. 12, No. 1, 313–328. Retrieved from [in English].
11. Lücke, M. & Saha, D. (2019) Labour migration from Ukraine: Changing destinations, growing macroeconomic impact. German Advisor Group. german-economic-team. Retrieved from GET_UKR_PS_02_2019_en.pdf [in German].
12. Malynovska, O. (2020). International Migration of the Ukrainian Population Since Independence: Migration from the Newly Independent States. Societies and Political Orders in Transition, 169–185. Retrieved from [in English].
13. Scipioni, M. (2018). Failing forward in EU migration policy? EU integration after the 2015 asylum and migration crisis. Journal of European Public Policy, № 25:9, 1357-1375. DOI: 10.1080/13501763.2017.1325920 [in English].
14. Skoczyńska-Prokopowicz, V. (2018). Labor emigration from Ukraine to Poland: history and current status. Journal of the Belarusian State University. Sociology, Vol. 1, 195-204 [in Polish].
15. World Migration Report 2020: International Organization for Migration. Retrieved from [in English].
1. Гайдуцький А.П. Масштаби трудової міграції українців за кордон. Економіка та держава. 2017. № 8. С. 82–86.
2. Гайдуцький А.П. Світовий ринок міграційного капіталу. Вісник НБУ. 2018. № 1. С. 34–37.
3. Лібанова Е., Фтомова О. Особисті перекази мігрантів: оцінка масштабів і наслідків. Демографія та соціальна економіка. 2019. 37(3), 1129. DOI:
4. Майданік І.П. Сучасні риси висококваліфікованої міграції в Україні та світі: основні тенденції та структура. Україна: аспекти праці. 2018. № 2. C. 43–49.
5. Майданік І. П. Темпоральні характеристики зовнішньої трудової міграції в Україні. Київ: Інститут демографії та соціальних досліджень ім. М. В. Птухи НАН України, 2020. 255 с.
6. Міжнародна організація з міграції. URL: (Дата зверненння: 07.11.2023)
7. Atamanov, A., Luecke, M., Mahmoud, T. O., Mogilevsky, R., Tereshchenko, K., Tourdyeva, N. A., et al. (2009). Income and distribution effects of migration and remittances: Analysis based on CGE models for selected CIS countries. CASE network reports. No 86. Warsaw.
8. Brubaker R. Migration, Membership, and the Modern Nation-State: Internal and External Dimensions of the Politics of Belonging. The Journal of Interdisciplinary History. Vol. 41, No. 1 (Summer 2010), pp. 61-78. The MIT Press. URL:
9. Chmielewska, I., Dobroczek, G., & Puzynkiewicz, J. (2016). A new wave of Ukrainian migration to Poland. URL: (Дата зверненння: 07.11.2023)
10. Libanova E. Labour migration from Ukraine: Key features, drivers and impact. Economics and Sociology. 2019. Vol. 12, No. 1. P. 313–328. doi:
11. Lücke M., Saha D. Labour migration from Ukraine: Changing destinations, growing macroeconomic impact. German Advisor Group. 2019. URL: GET_UKR_PS_02_2019_en.pdf (Дата зверненння: 07.11.2023)
12. Malynovska O. International Migration of the Ukrainian Population Since Independence: Migration from the Newly Independent States. Societies and Political Orders in Transition. P. 169–185. doi:
13. Scipioni M. Failing forward in EU migration policy? EU integration after the 2015 asylum and migration crisis. Journal of European Public Policy. 2018. № 25:9. pp. 1357-1375. DOI: 10.1080/13501763.2017.1325920.
14. Skoczyńska-Prokopowicz В. Labor emigration from Ukraine to Poland: history and current status. Journal of the Belarusian State University. Sociology. 2018. Vol. 1 pp. 195-204
15. World Migration Report 2020: International Organization for Migration. URL: (Дата зверненння: 15.11.2023)
Copyright (c) 2023 Ilona Androshchuk, Anna Dorenskа
Prospects for the development of cooperation between Ukraine and the EU’s in the field of labor migration
About the Authors
Ilona Androshchuk, Associate Professor, PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economic Sciences), Associate Professor of the Department of Economics, Management and Commercial Activity, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:
Anna Dorenskа, Assistant of the Department of Economics, Management and Commercial Activity, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:
Full Text:
1. Haidutskyi, A.P. (2017). Masshtaby trudovoi mihratsii ukraintsiv za kordon [Scales of labor migration of Ukrainians abroad]. Ekonomika ta derzhava - Economy and the state. Vol. 8, 82–86 [in Ukrainian].
2. Haidutskyi, A.P. (2018). Svitovyi rynok mihratsiinoho kapitalu [The world market of migration capital]. Visnyk NBU - Visnyk of the National Bank of Ukraine. Vol. 1, 34–37 [in Ukrainian].
3. Libanova, E., & Ftomova, O. (2019). Osobysti perekazy mihrantiv: otsinka masshtabiv i naslidkiv [Migrants' personal remittances: an assessment of the scope and consequences]. Demohrafiia ta sotsialna ekonomika - Demography and social economy, 37(3), 1129. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
4. Maidanik, I.P. (2018). Suchasni rysy vysokokvalifikovanoi mihratsii v Ukraini ta sviti: osnovni tendentsii ta struktura [Modern features of highly skilled migration in Ukraine and the world: main trends and structure]. Ukraina: aspekty pratsi - Ukraine - aspects of work. Vol. 2, 43–49 [in Ukrainian].
5. Maidanik, I.P. (2020). Temporalni kharakterystyky zovnishnoi trudovoi mihratsii v Ukraini [Temporal characteristics of external labor migration in Ukraine]. Kyiv: Instytut demohrafii ta sotsialnykh doslidzhen im. M.V. Ptukhy NAN Ukrainy [in Ukrainian].
6. Mizhnarodna orhanizatsiia z mihratsii [International Organization for Migration]. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
7. Atamanov, A., Luecke, M., Mahmoud, T.O., Mogilevsky, R., Tereshchenko, K., Tourdyeva, N. A., et al. (2009). Income and distribution effects of migration and remittances: Analysis based on CGE models for selected CIS countries. CASE network report, No 86. Warsaw [in English].
8. Brubaker, R. (2010). Migration, Membership, and the Modern Nation-State: Internal and External Dimensions of the Politics of Belonging. The Journal of Interdisciplinary History, Vol. 41, No. 1 (Summer), 61-78. The MIT Press. Retrieved from [in English].
9. Chmielewska, I., Dobroczek, G., & Puzynkiewicz, J. (2016). A new wave of Ukrainian migration to Poland. Retrieved from [in English].
10. Libanova, E. (2019). Labour migration from Ukraine: Key features, drivers and impact. Economics and Sociology, Vol. 12, No. 1, 313–328. Retrieved from [in English].
11. Lücke, M. & Saha, D. (2019) Labour migration from Ukraine: Changing destinations, growing macroeconomic impact. German Advisor Group. german-economic-team. Retrieved from GET_UKR_PS_02_2019_en.pdf [in German].
12. Malynovska, O. (2020). International Migration of the Ukrainian Population Since Independence: Migration from the Newly Independent States. Societies and Political Orders in Transition, 169–185. Retrieved from [in English].
13. Scipioni, M. (2018). Failing forward in EU migration policy? EU integration after the 2015 asylum and migration crisis. Journal of European Public Policy, № 25:9, 1357-1375. DOI: 10.1080/13501763.2017.1325920 [in English].
14. Skoczyńska-Prokopowicz, V. (2018). Labor emigration from Ukraine to Poland: history and current status. Journal of the Belarusian State University. Sociology, Vol. 1, 195-204 [in Polish].
15. World Migration Report 2020: International Organization for Migration. Retrieved from [in English].
1. Гайдуцький А.П. Масштаби трудової міграції українців за кордон. Економіка та держава. 2017. № 8. С. 82–86.
2. Гайдуцький А.П. Світовий ринок міграційного капіталу. Вісник НБУ. 2018. № 1. С. 34–37.
3. Лібанова Е., Фтомова О. Особисті перекази мігрантів: оцінка масштабів і наслідків. Демографія та соціальна економіка. 2019. 37(3), 1129. DOI:
4. Майданік І.П. Сучасні риси висококваліфікованої міграції в Україні та світі: основні тенденції та структура. Україна: аспекти праці. 2018. № 2. C. 43–49.
5. Майданік І. П. Темпоральні характеристики зовнішньої трудової міграції в Україні. Київ: Інститут демографії та соціальних досліджень ім. М. В. Птухи НАН України, 2020. 255 с.
6. Міжнародна організація з міграції. URL: (Дата зверненння: 07.11.2023)
7. Atamanov, A., Luecke, M., Mahmoud, T. O., Mogilevsky, R., Tereshchenko, K., Tourdyeva, N. A., et al. (2009). Income and distribution effects of migration and remittances: Analysis based on CGE models for selected CIS countries. CASE network reports. No 86. Warsaw.
8. Brubaker R. Migration, Membership, and the Modern Nation-State: Internal and External Dimensions of the Politics of Belonging. The Journal of Interdisciplinary History. Vol. 41, No. 1 (Summer 2010), pp. 61-78. The MIT Press. URL:
9. Chmielewska, I., Dobroczek, G., & Puzynkiewicz, J. (2016). A new wave of Ukrainian migration to Poland. URL: (Дата зверненння: 07.11.2023)
10. Libanova E. Labour migration from Ukraine: Key features, drivers and impact. Economics and Sociology. 2019. Vol. 12, No. 1. P. 313–328. doi:
11. Lücke M., Saha D. Labour migration from Ukraine: Changing destinations, growing macroeconomic impact. German Advisor Group. 2019. URL: GET_UKR_PS_02_2019_en.pdf (Дата зверненння: 07.11.2023)
12. Malynovska O. International Migration of the Ukrainian Population Since Independence: Migration from the Newly Independent States. Societies and Political Orders in Transition. P. 169–185. doi:
13. Scipioni M. Failing forward in EU migration policy? EU integration after the 2015 asylum and migration crisis. Journal of European Public Policy. 2018. № 25:9. pp. 1357-1375. DOI: 10.1080/13501763.2017.1325920.
14. Skoczyńska-Prokopowicz В. Labor emigration from Ukraine to Poland: history and current status. Journal of the Belarusian State University. Sociology. 2018. Vol. 1 pp. 195-204
15. World Migration Report 2020: International Organization for Migration. URL: (Дата зверненння: 15.11.2023)