Features and Typology Dynamics of Labor Markets in Rural Areas

Iryna Teron

About the Authors

Iryna Teron, Senior Researcher, PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economic Sciences), Leading Researcher Department for studying issues of social capital formation, Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine, Kyiv, E-mail:


The purpose of the article is to analyze the peculiarities, the main typical and specific problems of the rural settlements labor market development, and the definition of homogeneous groups - clusters of regions on the state of the social and labor sphere. The cluster analysis of k-means was used to group regions. The calculations are made in the software package Statistica 6.0. The calculations used the statistical information of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine for 2010 and 2017 years. 4 stable clusters were obtained. Each group is characterized by the features of in the following areas: implementation of labor-resource potential in the labor market of rural settlements; demoeconomic development of rural settlement network; socio-economic results of the functioning of the labor market and the efficiency of the rural economy. Analysis has shown that in the process of its development, rural labor markets show different reactions to the impact of macroeconomic and political factors. The result is an increase in the asymmetry and differentiation of the social development of the regions, and the division in the level of competitiveness. The following trends of rural labor markets in all regions are identified: distribution of areas by clusters is fairly stable; curtailing the scope of employment in the full labor market of rural settlements in all regions, reducing the ILO employment rate and increasing ILO unemployment; reorientation of rural households to use their own work and limitation of hired labor; an analysis of 2010-2017 showed stability and inertia of the employment structure of the rural economy and trends in economic activity; some regions are able to mobilize their own resources for economic growth and therefore develop most dynamically; some labor markets are increases peripheral features and depression; some regions have some positive dynamics in the development of the rural labor market in only a few aspects; in many regions, centripetal trends in the transformation of the settlement network and the curtailment of the social space of rural areas are intensifying. The dynamics of the of the regions rural labor markets development does not contain any indicators that would identify the development as socioeconomic, in which the socio-political and socio-economic impact is determined by the level of human development and is estimated by the achieved human development parameters. Beside of them, the basic socio-economic foundation of them effective regulation mechanisms is supplemented by the humanitarian (socio-humanitarian) component. The following scientific directions are relevant: justification of the of labor market development key indicators limit values; development of socio-economic mechanisms and tools for providing inclusive growth of rural economies, and the implementation of decent work principles in local markets of rural settlements taking into account the peculiarities and dynamics of rural development in Ukraine.


dynamics of the labor market, employment, unemployment, rural areas, rural settlements, cluster analysis

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Copyright (c) 2018 Iryna Teron