Analysis of the Compliance of the Regions’ Staffing to the Needs of the Innovative Economy

Nataliia Krasnojon

About the Authors

Nataliia Krasnojon, PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economic Sciences), Senior lecturer of the Department of Economics, Management and Commercial Activity, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, E-mail:


In the article the analysis of the compliance of the regions’ staffing to the needs of the innovative development of the economy in Ukraine is conducted. The components of evaluation in the spheres of activization of the interaction of power, education, science, business, innovative employment, training of the innovative type of specialists, ensuring the effectiveness of innovation activity are offered. An integral evaluation of the status of the regions’ staffing of Ukraine in the conditions of innovative changes was conducted by the indicator of the number of students of the higher education institutions of III-IV accreditation levels, calculated per 10 thousand persons of the existing population, the number of the postgraduate students and doctoral students per 100 thousand persons of the existing population, the number of performers of scientific research and development per 1000 persons of the employed population, aged of 15-70, the share of employees, are employed at the innovative enterprises, the level of innovation activity of the industrial enterprises, the volume of sales of the innovative products and the total innovation index. The directions of improvement of staffing of the national economy according to the needs of the innovative development are developed. To such directions are assigned the implementation of educational and professional training programs in the field of intellectual activity and innovation management, the provision of transfer of the educational and professional knowledge during the organization of the educational process, the forming of a system for the monitoring of the demand and supply of labor resources at the regional level with the possibility of the operational monitoring at the industry's level and economic entities, identification of the priority directions of training of professional personnel on the basis of the real needs of economic entities and the prospects of the region's development, promotion to the forming of the powerful research centers on the basis of higher education institutions, promotion to the increasing of employees' interest in the field of innovation in the results of their work, promotion to the creation in the region of innovative-integrated structures of different types, etc.


staffing, innovation development, region, innovative employment, training of specialists, result of innovation activity

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Copyright (c) 2018 Nataliia Krasnojon