Efficiency Assessment of Strategic Management of Innovative Development in the Conditions of Global Asymmetries

Ivan Mytsenko

About the Authors

Ivan Mytsenko, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of International Economic Relations, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:


The article develops and checks a scientific-methodical approach to the analysis and evaluation of the efficiency of strategic management of the innovative development of Ukraine in the conditions of global asymmetries. The scientific-methodical approach is based on the selection of statistical indicators for the comprehensive assessment of the innovative development of the country, calculation of the integral indicator based on actual values of the indicators for the period 2010-2020, and forecasting of the integral indicator of the effectiveness of the implementation of the state strategy of innovative development of Ukraine based on the forecast values of the indicators for the period 2021-2025. The conducted research showed that from 2010 to 2020 Ukraine observed a decrease in the level of innovative development due to the mostly decreasing dynamics of the rate of change in the total number of scientific workers, the share of expenses for scientific research and development in GDP, the share of foreign investors' funds in total volumes financing of innovative activities of industrial enterprises, the share of machines and equipment in the total number of introduced innovative products. It has been determined that during the analysed period, negative transformations took place in scientific, technical and innovative sphere of Ukraine, which is evidenced by decrease of the integral indicator of the level of innovative development of the country. The results of forecasting indicators of innovative development in Ukraine indicated the existing possibility of an increase in the integral indicator from 0.56 in 2020 to 0.72-0.74 in 2024-2025. The improvement of individual indicators will require state intervention in terms of improvement of financial and institutional instruments for the implementation of the state innovative strategy of Ukraine, using the experience of EU countries.


strategic management, innovative development, global asymmetries, evaluation, efficiency

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Copyright (c) 2024 Ivan Mytsenko