Adaptive Management of Ukrainian Retail to Consumer Realities

Ruslana Zhovnovach, Viacheslav Nidzelsky, Vitaliy Tarasov, Ihor Viriienko

About the Authors

Ruslana Zhovnovach, Professor, Doctor in Economics (Doctor of Economic Sciences), Head of the Department of Economic Theory, Marketing and Economic Cybernetics, of the Department of Economic Theory, Marketing and Economic Cybernetics, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:

Viacheslav Nidzelsky, Applicant of the Third (Educational and Scientific) Level of Higher Education,, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:

Vitaliy Tarasov, Applicant of the Third (Educational and Scientific) Level of Higher Education, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, ORCID, e-mail: vittarr@gmail. com

Ihor Viriienko, Applicant of the Third (Educational and Scientific) Level of Higher Education,, Priazovsky State Technical University, Dnipro, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:


The article addresses the issue of adaptive management of Ukrainian retail to consumer realities in the conditions of a state of war. The state of Ukrainian retail under the challenging circumstances of the Russian-Ukrainian war has been investigated, and the main challenges it has faced include economic instability, loss of trade enterprises, limited financial resources, infrastructure destruction, reduction of product assortment in retail chains, changes in the retail landscape, staff shortage, and shifting consumer priorities. The necessity of making changes in the retail sector's activities, particularly in the formation of a value proposition, which depends on the meaningful content of all elements of the business model, has been justified. It should meet three main criteria: relevance to current consumer demands, elements of innovation (uniqueness), and service orientation. The important role of consumers in shaping the trajectory of the retail sector's development has been substantiated. Changes in the behavior of Ukrainian consumers, resulting from the pandemic and massive military actions on the territory of Ukraine, have been analyzed. A trend towards increased economy and rationality in consumer purchasing behavior compared to the pre-war period has been identified. Changes in consumer buying behavior associated with the strengthening of Ukrainian society's consolidation, national identity, conscious choice to support domestic producers, the army, political positions, language of communication, or cooperation with the aggressor country have been noted. Adaptive measures for the recovery and development of Ukrainian retail in the conditions of a state of war and post-war period have been proposed, including: adjusting the product assortment and marketing strategies of retailers according to new needs, opportunities, and preferences of their customers; focusing on expanding the range of online services; improving sales and after-sales service; implementing an omnichannel communication model; and utilizing innovative sales technologies.


retail, consumer, adaptive management, Russian-Ukrainian war, buying behavior, online commerce, omnichannel

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Copyright (c) 2023 Ruslana Zhovnovach, Viacheslav Nidzelsky, Vitaliy Tarasov, Ihor Viriienko