Theoretical Approaches to Defining the Concept and Meaning of Ethnographic Tourism

Maryana Semkiv

About the Authors

Maryana Semkiv, PhD student of the Tourism Department, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, Kharkiv, Ukraine, ORCID:, е-mail:


Today, it is acute the issue of preserving ethno-cultural heritage and the diversity of peoples, ethnic groups and tribal communities. In addition to the processes of globalization, scientific and technical development and the growth of information loads, the Covid-19 pandemic, the military invasion of the territory of Ukraine, natural and anthropogenic cataclysms had no less impact on the tourism industry and on preserving the unique peoples’ culture. As a result, among consumers of tourist services, there are increased attention to their safety during travel and interest in their own roots, culture and traditions, as well as in the cultures and identity of other peoples. This, in turn, caused for popularity growth of tours with ethnographic elements. Nevertheless, ethnographic tourism is still an understudied part of the modern tourism industry. That is why in the paper provides a monographic analysis of the essence and approaches to defining the concept of «ethnographic tourism». Also, there are revealed the peculiarities of ethnographic tourism. There have been highlighted differences of ethnographic tourism among such types of tourism as ethnocultural, ethnic, nostalgic, ethno-educational, ecological-ethnographic and anthropological. It was determined that the concept of ethnographic tourism is broader, unlike the above-mentioned concepts, and includes certain features of each of this types of tourism. The author proposed his own interpretation of ethnographic tourism concept, according to which ethnographic tourism is a type of tourism that has adjacent features with cultural-cognitive, ethnic, ethno-cultural, nostalgic, ethno-cognitive, ecological-ethnographic and anthropological types of tourism, the objects of which often overlap, and the main purpose of which is to learn about the ethno-cultural heritage of the visited area.


ethnographic tourism, ethnic tourism, nostalgic tourism, ethnocultural tourism, ethno-cognitive tourism, ecological-ethnographic tourism, anthropological tourism

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Copyright (c) 2023 Maryana Semkiv