Development of International Trade Relations of Ukraine’s Agrarian Sector in the Context of European Integration

Tetiana Reshytko

About the Authors

Tetiana Reshytko, Associate Professor, PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economic Sciences), Associate Professor Department of International Economic Relations, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyy, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:


The article examines modern trends in the development of international trade relations in the agricultural sector of the Ukrainian economy as one of the determining factors in the context of European integration. Peculiarities of Ukraine's participation in agricultural export-import operations are analyzed. It was emphasized that Ukraine is currently at the initial stage of entering the world agricultural markets, domestic food exports are dominated by raw materials or products with little added value, and the export of ready-made food products has not acquired significant volumes. It was determined that due to the agrarian sector of the economy, the food supply of the state, the national market and export potential are formed. It was noted that Ukraine's adherence to the principles and rules of conduct in international trade and other economic relations determined by international unions and organizations contributes to the development of foreign economic trade activities. There has been indicated the need to implement a number of measures to adapt the market environment, build regulatory mechanisms on harmonized institutional bases, for mutually beneficial integration of Ukraine and the EU. It has been studied that with the beginning of the Free Trade Zone with the European Union functioning, Ukraine ensures the approximation of the domestic agricultural sector to the market conditions of management, carries out adaptation to the Common Agrarian Policy of the EU. It has been proven that the dynamics of foreign trade in agricultural products of Ukraine with EU countries indicates a rapid and mutually beneficial strengthening of economic ties, reciprocal attractiveness of trade in food products. Studies show that the agricultural sector of Ukraine has demonstrated positive dynamics in the development of international trade in agricultural and food products in recent years. Emphasis is placed on creating more favorable conditions for the activation of foreign economic trade relations, which should become a strategic priority of the state.


international trade relations, agrarian sector of the economy, export, import, European integration

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Copyright (c) 2023 Tetiana Reshytko