Transformation of Modern Methods and Management Tools of the Modern Enterprises in the Context of Digitalization Challenges

Egor Chabaniuk, Ilona Androshchuk

About the Authors

Egor Chabaniuk, Graduate student of the Department of Economics, Management and Commercial Activity, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:

Ilona Androshchuk, PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economic Sciences), Associate Professor of the Department of Economics, Management and Commercial Activity, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:


The paper is devoted to the modern methods and tools for managing modern enterprises in the context of digitalization challenges. The analysis of the development of scientific opinion regarding the transformation of approaches to the digitalization of enterprise activity management processes was carried out. It was determined that digitalization should be understood as the transformation of existing analog (electronic) products, processes and business models of the organization, which is based on the effective using of digital technologies. The consequences of the growth of global competition in the global market are presented and, as a result, changes in the activities of modern enterprises under the influence of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, namely: business models, collaboration, user interfaces, value chains, and even the traditional pyramid of automation, which is currently undergoing major changes. It has been established that the set of management methods varies depending on the type and directions of the enterprise. Accordingly, digitalization methods are determined in accordance with the standard structure of the enterprise, namely: management, middle management, logistics, production and marketing. The advantages and disadvantages of each group of methods and instruments are analyzed. In particular, it has been determined that the most relevant method for management is the deployment of the company's database and servers in a cloud database, which will allow the company to digitize all structural divisions without possible loss of any critical data. It was established that the digitization of methods and tools of the middle level of management will make it possible to minimize costs, increase the level of profitability, and optimize the production cycle. It was determined that logistics departments at any enterprise are the driving force of every production, which is why the implementation of digitalization methods is currently relevant and has undeniable advantages for all participants in the logistics chain. The production link at the enterprise is its basis and the reason for which the enterprise was created, namely the production of the product. Despite on the disadvantages common to all innovations due to significant costs for the priority implementation of the specified methods - their effect will create prerequisites for the sustainable development of the enterprise in the future, increasing in economy, rhythm of production and increasing in the volume of the produced products. It has been established that the modern methods of digitalization of work in marketing departments of modern enterprises make it possible to create effective mechanisms for studying user needs, optimize sales of the company's product, automate the data bank on product sales and increase understanding the product by the users. The place of Ukraine in the IMD World Digital Competitiveness Ranking during 2017-2022 was determined, as part of the analysis, it was established that during 2019-2021, the position of Ukraine significantly is strengthened from 60th place to 54th (among 64 countries in the overall rating), which indicates the presence of positive changes in the direction of digital changes in the country. The key problems which were done a negative impact on the process of digitalization of the management of activities of domestic enterprises and, as a result, reduce their competitiveness in the conditions of the digital economy, have been identified. It was established that despite on the existing problems, modern enterprises are actively implementing modern digitalization methods and tools in order to increase the efficiency of their work and strengthen their market positions.


enterprise digitalization, enterprise management, digitalization methods, cloud technologies, productivity, blockchain, Big Data, ERP, HRM, IoT, Machine learning

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Copyright (c) 2023 Egor Chabaniuk, Ilona Androshchuk