Development of Investment Activities of the City

Iryna Trunina, Anna Chumakova

About the Authors

Iryna Trunina, Professor, Doctor in Economics (Doctor of Economics Sciences), Head of the Department of Business Administration, Marketing and Tourism,Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University, Kremenchuk, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:

Anna Chumakova, Postgraduate student of the Business Administration, Marketing and Tourism Department Kremenchuk National University named after Mykhailo Ostrogradskyi, Kremenchuk, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:


The article examines the essence of investment activity and its impact on the development of the city. The relevance of increasing the inflow of investments by creating favorable conditions for the development of green tourism is emphasized. This study used the findings of foreign and domestic scientists and global practices of green tourism functioning as an integral part of the city’s attractiveness among investors. It has been established that rural green tourism is currently one of the promising areas of development of the tourism industry of foreign countries, the rapid development of which in the last year is due to quarantine restrictions. It combines a wide range of different types of tourism based on the use of natural resources. It was found that the accelerated development of green tourism can play the role of a catalyst for investments in the region and the country as a whole. The subject of the study is a set of theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of increasing the effectiveness of the development of green tourism in the business environment. The purpose of this work is to substantiate theoretical and methodological approaches and develop practical recommendations for the development of green tourism in Ukraine, increase investment income, and analyze internationally recognized tools for stimulating the development of green tourism in the world. The proposed incentive tools will contribute to ensuring the appropriate level of investment in the regions of Ukraine and the gradual greening of technological processes in accordance with international environmental requirements, which will lead to an automatic increase in the activity and efficiency of environmentally oriented innovative activities of the country’s enterprises. The state of green tourism in Ukraine and European countries is analyzed. The work highlights the negative and positive sides of modern green tourism in Ukraine and describes the main recommendations for the development of this area and increasing its level of attractiveness for foreign and domestic investors (on the example of the Poltava region). The obtained result will allow more systematic and qualitative implementation of «greening» in the cities of Ukraine.


investments, eco-innovations, industry, green tourism, region, city

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Copyright (c) 2022 Iryna Trunina, Anna Chumakova