Conceptual Principles of the Small and Big Enterprises Interaction Management

Serhii Sushchenko

About the Authors

Serhii Sushchenko, Postgraduate student, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, Kharkiv, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:


The article presents the principled approaches to the conceptual principles development of the small and big enterprises' interaction management. The need to organize the interaction of small and big enterprises based on using a program-objectives approach, highlighting the procedures for structuring and characterizing the set of interacting enterprises, is substantiated. The program for the small and big enterprises interaction organization is considered as a strategic plan with the definition of the main directions of such interaction and the involved enterprises' development. Such a program is presented in the form of a set of "objectives - measures" graphs and optional characteristics related to its structure. The implementation of the program of small and big enterprises interaction organization involves the creation of a mechanism by which the objectives of small and big enterprises interaction organization are formulated in such a way that the organized efforts to achieve them can be defined, developed, tested, approved and considered from the point of view of such objectives, that is, to manage them. The basis of such a mechanism for agreeing with objectives between small and big interacting enterprises is the concept of Management by Objectives. A generalized model of small and big enterprises' interaction management using a coordination and management center was formed. Each of the control circuits in this model is considered as a set of control systems for all interacting enterprises, which are the objects of management. The conceptual principles of small and big enterprises' interaction management were determined. This management concept should be built on the basis of systemic and program-objectives approaches, in which the enterprise is considered as a socio-economic open complex system characterized by developed relationships with the external environment, and its interaction with other enterprises is built taking into account the objectives and development programs coherence. Taking into account this approach, a model of small and big enterprises' interaction management was proposed. The main principles of implementing the concept of small and big enterprises' interaction management were given.


management, enterprise, interaction, organization, managerial connections, model

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Copyright (c) 2022 Serhii Sushchenko