Efficiency of Using Economic Diagnostics in Determining the Competitiveness of the Enterprise on the Market

Oleksii Smirnov

About the Authors

Oleksii Smirnov, PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economic Sciences), Head of the Methodological and organizational department, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:


Economic diagnosis is one of the main management tools for analyzing the efficiency of the enterprise and assessing its competitiveness on the market. It covers a wide range of techniques, including modeling, simulation and empirical applications. Economic diagnostics enable management to make strategic decisions, identify risks during rapid economic changes, establish benchmarks and monitor performance over time, and identify opportunities for improvement. It was determined that economic diagnostics is a broad field of research, dedicated to how economic decisions are made in society and aimed at understanding the root causes of market inefficiency, poverty traps and other observable manifestations of systematic inequality. It was determined that when conducting an analysis of the enterprise's competitiveness, it is necessary to carefully and systematically evaluate and identify it for more effective use of economic diagnostics. Usually, at the same time, insufficient attention is paid to the planning of the enterprise's competitiveness and the formation of its competitive advantages in the market. It is proven that competitiveness planning is carried out using the results of diagnostics in a certain industry, and the diagnostics itself involves evaluating the existing level of competitiveness and comparing it with planned indicators. It has been proven that companies that use diagnostics save money and time, make more accurate decisions and better understand their financial situation. In fact, quantifying the business model and understanding where the company is in the market can help avoid risks in the future. It has been proven that there are several main approaches to the use of the term "economic diagnosis". One sees it as the process of collecting and analyzing data to identify business problems. Another believes that such analysis helps make decisions about how to increase profitability, develop strategy, allocate resources, or otherwise improve the business model.


economical diagnostics, efficiency, competitiveness, competitive advantage, market, resources, business development

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Copyright (c) 2022 Oleksii Smirnov