Implementation of the Knowledge Economy in the Corporate Strategies of International Corporations

Dmytro Rasshyvalov, Popova Diana

About the Authors

Dmytro Rasshyvalov, Associate Professor, PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economic Sciences), Head of the Department of Business Internationalis, Institutum Relationum Internationalium, Institute of International Relations of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine, ORCID:

Popova Diana, Postgraduate student of the Department of Business, Institute of International Relations of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:


The article substantiates the problem of the need to transition to a new type of economy - the knowledge economy of all business entities and the country as a whole. In turn, the active transition to the knowledge economy determines the direction of development of modern corporations and enterprises. Therefore, an effective mechanism for ensuring a high level of competitiveness in the modern conditions of the knowledge economy is the intellectualization of the enterprise, and the prerequisite for its implementation is the use and multiplication of intellectual potential. In the post-industrial economy, two aspects - knowledge management and intellectualization processes are a significant challenge for the growth of the company's competitiveness. Therefore, the authors substantiated that an effective mechanism for ensuring a high level of competitiveness of corporations in modern conditions of the knowledge economy is its intellectualization. A significant number of important institutional problems of the implementation of the knowledge economy model in the management practice of all subjects of economic activity of Ukraine and factors inhibiting the process of implementation of the knowledge economy are outlined. It was determined that at the macro-level of management, a significant factor inhibiting the process of implementing the knowledge economy is the insufficient systematicity and coherence of state policy. An important task is the implementation of the national policy for the implementation of regulatory documents, which form the basis of the knowledge economy. However, the actual implementation process in Ukraine is still at an initial stage, and it has inherent systemic problems. The authors proposed a logical model of the knowledge management system of the corporation, which represents the intellectual space of the corporate structure (or knowledge space), which includes the processes of knowledge transformation and unification of people, and at the same time provides open and permanent access to all information resources and the possibility of repeatedly referring to them, and accordingly, in this way, a certain complex of knowledge is formed in the corporation. And the process of knowledge management is a qualitatively new level of management of the intellectual assets of the corporation, which allows not only to open regulated access of personnel to individually formalized knowledge, but also to administer the main volume of corporate knowledge (both formal and informal). Thus, knowledge management acts as a link of the corporation's strategy and is the basis of the formation of powerful competitive advantages of the corporation in the international market, and is also in relationship with all its strategic goals and objectives, focusing on their constant changes in the conditions of the external changing environment.


knowledge economy, intellectualization of the economy, knowledge management, corporate strategies, competitiveness

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Copyright (c) 2022 Dmytro Rasshyvalov, Popova Diana