Tourism in Ternopil Region: Current State and Prospects of Development

Halyna Ostrovska, Roman Sherstiuk, Тetiana Kuz

About the Authors

Halyna Ostrovska, Associate Professor, PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economic Sciences), Associate Professor Department of Management of Innovation Activity and Services Industry, Ternopil Ivan Pul'uj National Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:

Roman Sherstiuk, Doctor in Economics (Doctor of Economic Sciences), Head the Department of Management of Innovation Activity and Services Industry, Ternopil Ivan Pul'uj National Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine,, e-mail:

Тetiana Kuz, Ph.D in Economics (Candidate of Economic Sciences), Assistant of the Department of Management of Innovation Activity and Services Industry, Ternopil Ivan Pul'uj National Technical University, Ukraine,, e-mail:


The article is devoted to the study of the current state, problems and prospects of the tourism industry development in Ternopil region. The functioning of the tourism industry is considered one of the priorities, as an important structural element of the development strategy at the state and regional levels to ensure qualitative tourism services, the image of the country and regions improvement at the international arena and increase revenue part of the budget. The branches of economy that depend on the tourism development are identified. It is proved that the development of tourism, along with production, is an important factor in ensuring socio-economic growth and sustainable development of rural areas. The need for state support and stimulation of tourism development and related industries was emphasized. Restraining factors are characterized, in particular, infrastructure underdevelopment, which interferes the solution of many issues that arise in the process of business events preparing. It is proved that Ternopil region has a strong natural-recreational and historical-cultural potential. The nature reserve fund, the dynamics of tourist flows have been studied. The most important tourist brands of Ternopil region are highlighted. Attention is paid to the importance of business, event and eco-tourism in the local economic development context of territorial communities and outlined steps to determine the prospects for their implementation. The need to support the tourism business in the region by local authorities has been proven, which will contribute to the development of this activity type. Attention is focused on the rational and optimal use and territorial combination of natural conditions, resources and historical, architectural monuments of the region according to the vector of major and promising tourist destinations development in the region. A number of measures have been proposed, the implementation of which will contribute to the effective progress of the tourism industry in the region. It is stated that at the present stage of productive forces development it is the progress of the tourism industry that can ensure the growth of the region's economy, help create new jobs, become an important source of the budget filling.


tourism, tourism industry, tourism infrastructure, green tourism, tourism potential, tourism business

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Copyright (c) 2022 Halyna Ostrovska, Roman Sherstiuk, Тetiana Kuz