Financial Results of a Budgetary Institution as the Subject of a Forensic Economic Examination

Volodymyr Ivankov

About the Authors

Volodymyr Ivankov, PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economic Sciences), director, Forensic research institution, Kyiv, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:


The article is devoted to the study of the financial results of budgetary institutions when they become the subject of forensic economic examination under the trial of cases of embezzlement and misappropriation of public funds and property. The author described accounting processes and sub-processes based on the decompositional division of the process of forming the financial result in budgetary organizations into two stages. The latter are the foundation of the subject of forensic economic examination of the financial result. As revealed, the first stage covers the processes of closing sub-accounts of income and expenses for exchange and non-exchange transactions. The sub-processes of accounting reflection of income and expenses are identified, which determine the final values of the balance of the corresponding accounts. The processes of the second stage of reflecting the financial results of a budgetary institution in the forms of financial statements are determined. It is proposed to highlight the points of expert study of the financial result, corresponding to the algorithms for its development in accounting. As concluded, it is expedient to use s uch a sequence of expert research of the financial result of a budgetary institution that meets the algorithms for its accounting formation and reflection in financial statements. It is proved that the construction of an expert study in a way that does not reproduce the sequence of formation of the financial result on the accounts can lead to incorrect conclusions, distortion of the assessment of the income-expense ratio in the forms of financial statements. The usefulness and practical application of such a subject of forensic economic expertise lies in the possibility of its adaptation to changes in the norms of the current legislation. Adaptation is proposed to be carried out by clarifying the processes and sub-processes of accounting for the formation of financial results via the identification of points of expert study, and in the case of expanding the tasks of examination with other indicators, for example, the financial condition of a budgetary institution, their addition and expansion.


forensic economic examination, subject of forensic economic examination, financial results, budget institution, financial reporting, points of expert research

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Copyright (c) 2022 Volodymyr Ivankov