Design Thinking as a New Paradigm of Startup Development

Alla Tkachenko, Dmytro Plinokos

About the Authors

Alla Tkachenko, Professor, Doctor in Economics (Doctor of Economic Sciences), Head of the Department of Entrepreneurship, Trade and Exchange Activities, National University «Zaporizhzhya Polytechnic», ORCID:, e-mail:

Dmytro Plinokos, Associate Professor, PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economic Sciences), Associate Professor of the Department of Entrepreneurship, Trade and Exchange Activities, National University «Zaporizhzhya Polytechnic», ORCID:, e-mail:


The article examines the conditions and features of the formation of an idea for the development of a modern product, modern technology or a new vector of development of entrepreneurial activity on the platform of design thinking. This category - design thinking should become one of the main areas of business development, startups and creating a comfortable environment not only in business but also in the organization of public programs and decisions, the organization of municipal economy, as well as management at the state level. Any startup begins with the formation of the idea. It should not be just an idea, but the idea that can change the world, change people's lives for the better. A mandatory condition for the development of the country's economic system is the development of the entrepreneurship. During the political reorientation of our country, changes in the economy are taking place primarily through the introduction of new ideas. Based on the existing issues of business organization, entrepreneurship development and especially the creation of startup projects in Ukraine, requires clarification of the peculiarities of the development of startups based on a new approach - design thinking. Requires research and further clarification of the application of design thinking in the work of enterprises, the use of innovative approaches to the organization of both new forms of business and the improvement of existing relationships and business processes. The purpose of the article is to study the conditions and features of the formation of the idea for the development of a modern product, modern technology or a new vector of business development on the platform of design thinking. Of course, these changes require the promotion of more competitive products created using innovative approaches, there is the implementation of a startup. Many methods can be used to understand the real problem and its causes. It is worth to analyze the problem. The analysis of the problem better provides understanding of the problem before starting work with it. Even at the stage of the problem formulation, may arise a lot of questions connecting with people perception, misunderstanding, and vision of its solutions. A fundamentally new approach of solving the problem is the design thinking. The design thinking is a method of creating products and services that are focused on the person. It is the process when researchers try to understand the consumer problems, to make assumptions and to check them, to change the problem statement and try to find alternative strategies and solutions. The design thinking basis is the empathy and the ability to form schematic images in the imagination to further identify patterns and generate ideas with emotional and functional content. Empathy is a broad concept that refers to a person's cognitive and emotional reactions to another's experience. The empathy benefits to build and rebuild relationships. On the other hand, through support we acquire the skills of better regulation of personal emotions, especially using such useful and valuable experiense in stressful circumstances. This determines another property of empathy - it promotes the development of healthier and more meaningful behavior. Implementing business ideas creates additional opportunities for businesses. This process begins with a specific problem - a task for design thinking. This task must be accessible, understandable and feasible. Solving this problem will meet the needs of consumers, solve their problem, and create a new, unique product that is in demand. The development of startups, business organizations, the work of enterprises on this principle will provide significant benefits, and will be more successful and competitive.


startup, design thinking, empathy, innovative business ideas, brainstorming, sketching, mindmapping

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Copyright (c) 2021 Alla Tkachenko, Dmytro Plinokos