Intellectualization of the Economy in the Context of the Genesis of the World Economy

Diana Popova

About the Authors

Diana Popova, Applicant of the Department of Business, Institute of International Relations of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail:


The intellectual resources play an important role at the present stage of the world economydevelopment of the world economy. The implementation of the intellectual resources is carried out in the context of innovative development - through the creation, transfer and implementation of innovations. In the world economy, the competitiveness of countries, regions, enterprises and the welfare of society as a whole depends on the degree of development and efficient use of intellectual resources. The transition from the previous stages of the genesis of the world economy to the newest leads to fundamental transformations of the conditions of economic activity. Today, the main resources for the development of the world economy have become people and their intellectual capital. Thus, modern economic development is characterized by such categories asintellect, intellectual capital, intellectualization. Today there is no single common approach to the essential definition of these economic categories. Therefore, it is extremely important to determine the content of these economic categories, in particular the definition of "intellectualization of the economy" in the context of the genesis of the world economy and society. The aim of the article is to define the definitions "intellect", "intellectual capital", "intellectualization", to study their transformation inscience and significance in modern economic conditions and to define the concept of "intellectualization of the economy". As a result of analysis we found the multifaceted nature of the concept "intellectualization of the economy", the essence of which is in the process of continuously increasing level of materialization of the latest innovative knowledges, which are formed due to the educational environment, taking into account the needs for specific competencies supported by continuing education and improving the quality of individual and aggregate human capital. It can be argued that at the present stage, the economy needs a person as one who not only has physical strength, but as the owner and manager of a unique force of intellectual energy capable of generating new ideas and transforming the world economy. It is such a significant shift in scientific views on the role of a personand his capabilities occurred during the transition from industrial to neo-industrial society. Thus, the modern knowledge society does not replace the industrial or even pre-industrial society, but gives them the new aspect. Information, science, knowledges are becoming the main sources of growth of the world economy and its efficiency. Thus, society does not lose anything, but increases production potential, translates it to a new level of quality development. This path is based on the large-scale use of intellectual capital at all levels of the economic system. Accordingly, the efficiency of the modern world economy increasingly depends on the efficiency of use and development of the intellectual component. The prospects for future research will be related to the conceptualization of the knowledge economy in corporate market strategies.


intellectualization, intellectual economy, intellectual capital, human capital, economic growth, world economy, economic transformation

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Copyright (c) 2020 Diana Popova