Economic Security of Entrepreneurial Structures in the Minds of Digitalization

Yurii Malakhovskyi, Oleh Onofriichuk, Olena Kulishova

About the Authors

Yurii Malakhovskyi, Professor, PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economic Sciences), Professor of the Department of Economics, Management and Commercial Activity, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:

Oleh Onofriichuk, Postgraduate student of the Department of Marketing and Business Administration, SHEE “Pryazovskyi State Technical University”, Mariupol, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:

Olena Kulishova, Postgraduate student of the Department of Economic of Enterprises, SHEE “Pryazovskyi State Technical University”, Mariupol, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:


The purpose of this publication is to study the system of economic security parameters and improve the process of using RADAR logic as an element of assessing the information security of the enterprise. The importance of the concept of economic security of enterprises (EBP) is that scientists recognize it as an important factor in national security, since the real economy is an environment of planning, organization and the best use of resources. Four main factors of EBP are considered: a) planning; b) monitoring of the external and internal environment; (b) identifying and implementing threat response measures; d) control and improvement of the system. Taking into account the turbulence of the external environment, the impact on the formation of parameters of the EBP of macro-, meso- and microeconomic level factors is investigated. It is proposed to lay the methodology based on the model of the European Quality Management Fund (EFQM) as the basis for the formation of the EBP culture. Its goal is to achieve a high level of business excellence, the direction is to promote the processes of coordination of business and security goals, coordination of efforts to achieve sustainable security indicators, the formation of market knowledge and best practices for their exchange. The prospects for practical use of the EFQM model, the components of which are: basic concepts of perfection are carefully studied; criteria; RADAR logic. The conclusion about the feasibility of implementing the RADAR system is substantiated. Full and comprehensive implementation of the system can have a positive impact on the level of short-term liquidity of the company's assets, its long-term solvency, the formation of the desired level of profitability for shareholders, and generate positive external effects for society and the environment. The complexity of ensuring the EBP is explained by the variety of manifestations and relationships of interactive elements among the internal components of enterprises and the unpredictability of the manifestation of external factors. A logical conclusion is drawn about the importance of the EBP concept, its ability to include a significant number of factors in the sphere of management influence. The direct consequences of using the EBP concept are the comprehensive provision of both its own economic security and the fundamental principles of its organization, the safety of the activities of individuals, the ability to take into account numerous factors in the formation of the actual level of regional, national and international economic security of the state. The strategic directions of further research are outlined: study, schematization, numerical formalization of system-structural relations of components and threats to economic security of enterprises, the real sector and the national economy as a whole.


economical security, information security, RADAR logic, EFQM model, Enabler criteria

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Copyright (c) 2020 Yurii Malakhovskyi, Oleh Onofriichuk, Olena Kulishova