Information Support of Marketing Statistics of Innovative Enterprises

Yulia Horiashchenko

About the Authors

Yulia Horiashchenko, Associate Professor, PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economic Sciences), Аssociate Professor of the Department of Marketing, University of Customs and Finance, Dnipro, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:


Ukraine continues to actively develop a civilized business environment, including by means of marketing promotion as a factor that determines the economic development and well-being of the country, support to small and medium-sized businesses through the implementation of marketing principles in economic activity, effective Standards of marketing research UAM 91.12.0-2108654-001-2002 in order to promote fair competition. In combination with the global trend of network society development – Internet – marketing, digital marketing and marketing statistics are nowadays becoming a special source of intellectual resources. The problem remains the complexity of obtaining and integrating data, the volumes of which continue to grow. The purpose of this study is to substantiate the relevance of the study of marketing statistics and to seek optimization of modern methods of processing and analysis of marketing information in order to simplify the acquisition and integration of data. In the process of research such methods of scientific cognition were used: observation and abstraction, comparison, analysis and synthesis, methods of historical and logical analysis of socio-economic realities. Modern marketing statistics tools include a variety of SMM (Social Media Marketing) cases, guides, Search Engine Optimization, hashtags, UTM tags, custom auditing, analytics, and social advertising programs networks, project management, context tools. The main results of the study were the argumentation of the relevance of the study of marketing statistics and proposals for the optimization of modern methods of processing and analysis of marketing information to facilitate the acquisition and integration of data. The main ones are: 1) marketing information should be relevant, accessible and understandable to all market participants; 2) in the market conditions, higher education institutions in the respective field of training should train special specialists – highly qualified analysts with the necessary skills; 3) consumers of marketing services will not be completely satisfied until marketers are able to accompany them at all stages of the life cycle; 4) marketing statistics methods should be consolidated, systematized and optimized; 5) analytical tools should become key success factors in marketing statistics; 6) other factors for success should be establishing an effective data analysis at a particular enterprise.


marketing statistics, enterprise statistics, marketing information, innovative enterprise, SMM, SEO tools

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Copyright (c) 2020 Yulia Horiashchenko