Global Cities in the Subjective Disposition of Smart-economy

Ilona Tsarenko

About the Authors

Ilona Tsarenko, PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economic Sciences), Senior Lecturer of the Department of Economics, Management and Commercial Activity, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:


Strengthening the intellectualization of the economy is an ongoing process that is rapidly accelerating in the new century. One of the important manifestations of this is the formation of Smart-economy, "smart" economy. An important aspect of the study of Smart-economy is to determine its subjective structure and assess the relationships and interdependence of participants in economic relations. New participants in global economic relations are global cities, for the assessment of which at the present stage are used not only indicators of economic efficiency, but also indicators of intellectual economy and well-being. The article identifies three main components of the Smart-economy: smart growth, which involves the development of the economy through the implementation of knowledge and innovation; stable and sustainable growth, which is formed through the rational use of available resources and increase the efficiency of these processes, which in turn can contribute to increasing the competitiveness of the economy; intensive growth provided by the achievement of a high level of employment, social and territorial capacity and cohesion. The main forms of manifestation of Smart-economy are defined: digitalization; institutionalization; management; greening; socialization; urbanization. The main elements of assessing the quality of global cities are the business environment, human capital, taxation, reputation, infrastructure, financial center development. The article analyzes the disposition of global cities in the structure of Smart-economy, criteria and indicators of their analysis, identifies the place of components of intellectualization and the current level of development of global cities. It is determined that at the present stage there is a formation not only of "global" cities, but also of "international" ones, which have a significant impact on the development of the region and determine its key trends.


smart-economy, globalization, urbanization, global cities, subjects of Smart-economy, human capital

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Copyright (c) 2020 Ilona Tsarenko