Development and Implementation of the Innovative Component of Human Capital on the Basis of Improving the Motivational Mechanism in the Field of Labor

Marina Semykina, Lyudmyla Zapirchenko, Anna Semykina, Mariia Buhaieva

About the Authors

М.В. Семикіна, Professor, Doctor of Economics (Doctor of Economic Sciences), Head of Economics and Business Department, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:

Л.Д. Запірченко, Associate Professor, PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economic Sciences), Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Business, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:

А.В. Семикіна, PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economic Sciences), Teacher of Personnel Management and Labor Economics Department, Odesa National Economic University, Odesa, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:

М.В. Бугаєва, Associate Professor, PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economic Sciences), Associate Professor of Economics and Business Department, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:


Strategic tasks for building the innovative economy in Ukraine require qualitatively new approaches to the development and use of the innovative component of human capital in Ukraine, reforming existing motivational mechanisms. Prospects for quality human development and competitiveness of Ukraine's economy are becoming increasingly dependent on innovation activity of workers in the field of labor. There is a practical need to find opportunities for development and use of the innovative component of human capital based on improving the motivational mechanisms of enterprises and organizations. Imperfection of motivational mechanisms at the enterprises of Ukraine slows down the processes of development and use of the innovative component of human capital. The unsolved parts of the outlined problem include insufficient study of the possibilities of motivational mechanisms to stimulate innovative activity of employees, it is necessary to prove the need to take into account the system of stimulation of regulated and creative (innovative) components of labor activity. The aim of the article is to develop scientific and practical recommendations for improving the motivational mechanism of development and use of the innovative component of human capital of enterprises, based on labor incentives, taking into account the regulated and creative (innovative) component of labor activity. The objective need for the development of the innovative component of human capital in the conditions of growing demand for innovations was substantiated. Scientific approaches to understanding the essence of the motivational mechanism in the field of labor taking into account the needs of the development of the innovative component of human capital were revealed. The author's version of the interpretation of the motivational mechanism for regulating the development and implementation of the innovative component of human capital in the field of labor was proposed. By means of modeling the authors proved the feasibility of priority stimulation of work with elements of creativity, which significantly affects the change in profitability of the enterprise. Taking into account the theoretical analysis and modeling, it was proposed to develop a structural and logical scheme of the motivational mechanism for regulating the development and implementation of the innovative component of human capital, which is based on the system of stimulating regulated and creative work. The advantages and new features of the proposed motivational mechanism is that it is based on the stimulation of labor, taking into account the regulated and creative (innovative) components of labor. Prospects for further research are related to the improvement of the system of incentives for innovative work and the development of flexible mechanisms for their regulation.


human capital, innovative component of human capital, motivational mechanism, profitability, incentives, regulated labor, creative (innovative) labor

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Copyright (c) 2020 Marina Semykina, Lyudmyla Zapirchenko, Anna Semykina, Mariia Buhaieva