Definition of the Guidelines for Implementation of the Human Resourcemanagement STrategy in the Context of Ensuring Its Correlation with the Competitive Strategy of the Enterprise

Ljudmila Romaniuk, Ihor Kharchenko

About the Authors

Ljudmila Romaniuk, Associate Professor, PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economic Sciences), Associate Professor of the Department of International Economic Relations, Сentral Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskiy, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:

Ihor Kharchenko , Associate Professor, PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economic Sciences), Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Business, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:


The purpose of the article is to identify and substantiate the implementation of human resource management strategy in accordance with the competitive strategy of an enterprise and to develop its characteristics. The analysis of the essence of a company's competitive strategies has been made: cost leadership, differentiation, optimal costs, targeted strategy of low costs and differentiation as well as requirements for qualification and assessment of personnel that are determined in accordance with these strategies. The competitive strategy of the enterprise determines the human resources management strategy, which should ensure the achievement of competitive strategy. The corresponding human resources management strategy is carried out by realization of following objectives: recruitment and selection of personnel, development and enhancement of skills and competences, determining the required level of expertise, development of personal qualities, ensuring the adaptation of personnel, further training, maintaining the necessary motivation of personnel and establishment of corporate culture. The constituent elements that are necessary in order to implement the human resources management strategy – the requirements for each of the objectives – were identified. These sets of requirements were developed in 2019 for the enterprises of the Kropyvnytskyi city „LLC Agrokhim“ and „LLC Astra-S“ (Ukraine). It is of a great importance for the modern enterprises to implement a strategic human resources management. Along with the ongoing improvement of the personnel management it is necessary to introduce strategic management and to provide conformity with competitive strategy of an enterprise. In order to forecast the needs of an enterprise regarding the personnel and to define the requirements to the personnel it is necessary to have a clear description of distinctive features for the realization of the human resources management strategy and to analyse the corelation of the human resources management strategy with competitive strategy of the enterprise. The level of importance of the specific requirements to the personnel changes depending on the competitive strategy of the enterprise, since different strategic directions or preferences cause the need for different types of employees. The developed guidelines for the realization of the human resources management strategy shall contribute to ensuring its compliance with the competitive strategy of the enterprise as well as achievement of competitive advantages.


strategy, human resources, enterprise, management, competitive strategy

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Copyright (c) 2020 Ljudmila Romaniuk, Ihor Kharchenko