Conceptual Principles of Management of Industrial Enterprise Intellectual Potential Using

Halyna Ostrovska

About the Authors

Halyna Ostrovska, Associate Professor, PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economic Sciences), Associate Professor Department of Management of Innovation Activity and Services Industry, Ternopil Ivan Pul'uj National Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine, ORCID:


The article deepens the methodological and applied principles, develops recommendations for managing the use of industrial enterprises intellectual potential in the knowledge-based economy conditions. It is substantiated that the effective use of intellectual potential of a modern industrial enterprise is the basis for forming a culture of knowledge that can meet the needs of individuals, create conditions for harmonious development, resolves social contradictions through managing a variety of intellectual potential and the most effective use of this resource in management decisions. Emphasis is placed on the key importance of staff intellectualization as a basis for its intensive (qualitative) development. The concept of managing the use of industrial enterprises intellectual potential is proposed, which reveals the specifics of the content of management, the values of which are determined by interrelated components that form the intellectual potential, and the focus is on solving production problems of the enterprise in innovation sphere. The formulated concept is distinguished by the infrastructural approach to management of the industrial enterprises intellectual potential use based on a joint of scientific directions (approaches to management of the personnel and intellectual capital), synthesis of which corresponds to modern tendencies of integration in the theory of innovations theory elements intellectual potential management, innovative enterprises. A matrix of managerial influence upon the components-factors of intellectual potential qualitative level according to the reproductive stages of innovative industrial enterprises staff intellectualization is constructed. A number of basic measures of organizational and economic nature have been identified, which provide positive dynamics of intellectual potential development of staff in the process of innovations introduction at the enterprise. The theoretical significance of the concept lies in the intellectual capital management theory development in the segment of management using the industrial enterprises intellectual potential. The practical significance of the proposed concept is due to the possibility of expanding the management worldview in the modern industrial environment on this basis and integrating its ideas, formalized in the form of goal, tasks, object, subject, principles, functions, management tools in the organization of intellectual potential management. The implementation of the formulated concept should become a priority of the general idea of innovative industrial enterprises strategic orientation.


industrial enterprise, innovative development, intellectual potential, intellectual-innovative activity, motivation, culture of knowledge

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Copyright (c) 2020 Halyna Ostrovska