Organizational and Economic Prerequisites of the Social Development of Labour Potential in Ukraine

Tetiana Nemchenko

About the Authors

Tetiana Nemchenko, Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Economics, Management and Commercial Activity, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:


The paper is devoted to the problem of research of the organizational and economic factors, which are affecting on the process of the social development of labour potential in Ukraine. The authors, based on the research of the foreign and Ukrainian scientists, determined the necessity to change the approach to the human resource management, caused by the transformations on the labour market and crisis phenomena in the economy. Social development of labour potential should play a key role in this process as a significant factor of ensuring the economic prosperity and social welfare. The main goal of the paper is to reveal the essence and pecularities of the process of social development of labour potential, to analyze the organizational and economic prerequisites for its forming by researching the founder of the indicators of the functioning of the labour market of Ukraine. The author determined that the social development of labour potential is due to the influence of social factors, leading to the forming of new opportunities for population, the growth and expansion of their capabilities, skills, competencies, changes in the qualitative state of their labour potential and the result of their social and labour activities. Using analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, the methods of comparison and analytics, the main organizational and economic indicators of the development of labour potential of Ukraine are analyzed by the author. In particular, the indicators of fertility and mortality have been analyzed, and the age structure of the population has been determined. Also the characteristic of the domestic labour market, which is characterized by a decreasing in employment in the real sector of the economy, an increasing in unemployment and informal employment, a decreasing in the coverage of employees by the collective agreements, which are negatively impacts on the economic and social development of the state have been given. The indicators of growth of nominal and real wages have been determined, as well as a comparative analysis of wages in Ukraine and the world have been conducted. As a result of the conducted research, the author summarized the problematic issues that hold back the social development of labour potential and require the urgent solutions.


social development, labour potential, employment, unemployment, social welfare, wages

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Copyright (c) 2020 Tetiana Nemchenko